Memory is embedded in the texts for this week. The prophet Isaiah, the psalmist, the apostle Paul and the Gospel writer all issue a call to remember. Remember where you have been. Remember who you are, and how you were called. Remember how you were saved. And remember that God is at work, doing a new thing – you may think your situation is the rockiest rock bottom you’ve ever experienced, but God can work with it.
We know who we are in part because of how we are named. Perhaps our name comes from a key figure in history. We might bear the name of a grandparent or other beloved family member or friend. Maybe it is simply a name our parents liked, and deemed it special enough to give to a child. However they come to us, our names signify more than just what we are called. They indicate to whom we are attached. The reminder to “remember who you are, and where you come from” is an important one. It keeps us connected to a larger reality, and guides our actions.
The Exodus event that shaped Israel as God’s own brought them out of miserable slavery and into marvelous freedom. And yet, that act of deliverance, great as it was, was not the final chapter. God is always doing new things. God is always restoring. God is always calling.
This week we are reminded that we have already been called, named and claimed as Christ’s own. As we move toward the events of Passion week and recount the journey to the Cross, let us remember our calling.