Greetings devotion subscribers,
For more than 20 years, we have celebrated the holy seasons of Advent and Lent with online devotions written by Goshen College students and employees. It has been a privilege to walk together in the midst of the darkness and the light of these seasons; to share stories, metaphors and Scripture; and most importantly, to draw closer to Jesus together.
We have decided to end our Advent and Lenten devotions as we discern new ways to live out our mission of integrating “academic excellence and real-world experience with active love for God and neighbor.” Though we are discontinuing publishing new devotions, our significant archives of devotions since 2009 will remain accessible to you for searching and use.
We hope you will continue to stay connected to Goshen College. Here are a number of ways you can do that:
- Enjoy watching concerts, lectures and athletic competitions at Goshen College through our free livestreaming service, no matter where you live.
- Subscribe to receive President Rebecca Stoltzfus’ blog, Distinctively Goshen, where she offers regular and intimate reflections on campus, people she’s met, conversations she’s part of and higher education today.
- Subscribe to get monthly updates of news and opportunities at Goshen College through our Bulletin Points email newsletter.
- And, of course, we always welcome your prayers and support.
As well, here are a few recommendations of other Anabaptist devotional resources you may want to consider for this Advent season:
- Mennonite Education Agency created Advent at Home, a downloadable Advent worship resource this year that we recommend. The guide offers weekly and daily Scriptures from the lectionary texts, worship rituals, prayers, activities and background information to help individuals and households of all ages prepare for Advent through Epiphany.
- Nurture your soul through the quarterly devotional magazine, Rejoice!, produced by MennoMedia. Each day’s entry features a Bible reading, a short inspirational message, and a prayer of response. The magazine also includes inspirational stories and poems, and daily prayer requests representing Mennonite mission workers, schools, and church agencies.
- Expecting Immanuel: Eight Women who Prepared the Way is a new Advent devotional by Mennonite pastor Joanna Harader and published by Herald Press. Through invitational spiritual practices and reflections, this daily devotional centers the stories of women in Jesus’ genealogy and early life in the days leading up to Epiphany.
We want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to you, our many loyal readers, as well as to the hundreds of volunteer writers who have shared from their hearts and souls with us.
May you each continue to find meaningful ways to make time and space in your hearts and minds to reflect and grow in your faith during these special seasons, and throughout the year.
Blessings and peace,
Jodi Beyeler, vice president for communications and people strategy