By Luke Gascho, executive director of Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College DEVOTIONAL: The sun burst forth again this morning! It began with a glimmer of light. Then came the brightening of the sky and a coloring of the eastern clouds – followed by the dramatic rising of the familiar orb. Signs of … Keep reading »
Nov. 26: Distant second homes
By Arienne Johnson, a senior history and Bible and religion double major from Herndon, Va. DEVOTIONAL: Traveling is such a funny thing. Two summers ago I went to Senegal in West Africa for Goshen’s three-month Study-Service Term (SST). During my time there, I experienced an amazing transition from stranger to family member; from American to … Keep reading »
Nov. 25: Walk the walk of covenant
By Paul Keim, professor of Bible and religion DEVOTIONAL: Advent bursts in upon the autumnal rhythms of ordinary time. Fallen leaves, the last hurrah of overripe bounties, are rustled about by breezes and blowers. The nose of every sentient creature tingles with the scent of things to come. I invite you now to pause, and … Keep reading »
Nov. 24: Advent Branch
By Jim Brenneman, president DEVOTIONAL: According to an ancient Jewish midrash, someone asked Rabbi Joshua, “Why did God speak to Moses from a bush?” Rabbi Joshua replied, “God spoke from a bush to teach that there is no place where the Divine is not present, not even in a lowly bush.”
Nov. 23: Bursting in and breaking out
By Bob Yoder, campus pastor WELCOME: If you had a particular message to convey to someone, how would you go about doing that? If you wanted to tell a group of close friends some really exciting news, what would you do to fully express your passion? I remember well when Pamela and I became engaged. … Keep reading »
Welcome to Goshen College Advent Devotions 2009: Beginning Nov. 23
As churches prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth, Goshen College offers an online spiritual resource to help believers make time and space in their hearts and minds to welcome Advent, even in the midst of busy schedules and hectic lives. Beginning Nov. 23 (the Monday prior to the first Sunday in Advent) and culminating on Christmas … Keep reading »