By Caleb Longenecker-Fox, Ecuador Study-Service Term leader
This week’s theme: Deep in the woods: Called to deep commitment
This week’s Scriptures: Mark 8:31-38 | Romans 4:13-25 | Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 | Psalm 22:23-31
Buenos días hermanos y hermanas, un gusto saludarles hoy. For several years my wife Nina and I have felt a calling to live abroad, and we’ve now been living here in Quito, Ecuador for almost two months. As we begin our life here, the word that we are centering ourselves around is encounter. We are discovering that these encounters can be big or small; they may happen with nature or with a busy city scene, occurring between people, within oneself or with God.
The unexpected nature of these encounters is both surprisingly wonderful and also sometimes challenging. The more we commit to wholehearted attitudes and values, the more fluid and natural our response will be in the moment of encounter.
This Lenten season my hope is to commit deeply to Christ-centered living. I want to commit to bringing open hands, a malleable mind and a compassionate heart with me wherever I go.
We all are facing our own unknown paths in our own contexts. How are you preparing for your encounters ahead? What might you commit deeply to or recommit to this Lenten season?
Be ever ready for the transformation that accompanies deep commitment and Godly encounters. Go, expecting surprise. Amen.