As the Lenten season begins, Goshen College will again offer an online resource to help believers make time and space in their hearts and minds to reflect during the season of Lent.
Beginning March 2 (Ash Wednesday) and culminating on April 17 (Easter), Goshen College students, faculty and staff will provide weekday reflections based on the upcoming Sunday’s lectionary Scripture passages, available online at www.goshen.edu/devotions, or by subscribing to the daily email.
Writers will reflect on the theme: “Seeking God’s Ways” from Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada worship resources. Writers will provide three devotions weekly, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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The Scriptures for each week reveal a truth about the ways of God, as well as the many ways God’s people get it wrong. Scripture after Scripture is about how people think God offers one thing (privilege), but what God really offers looks quite different (inclusion); how we think the world works one way (scarcity), but really it works a different way (abundance); how we think power means one thing (control), but it is really found in something else (solidarity).
Lent is a time to repent—to turn from our ways and recommit ourselves to the ways of God as revealed in Jesus. We hope that within this theme of “seeking God’s ways” you will find space and encouragement to explore the ways your congregation is being called to greater faithfulness.
The devotions will reflect honestly on the Scriptures and offer words of assurances of faith. The spiritual offerings will include poetry, personal stories, reflections and prayers, all intended to more closely examine the call to change and follow Christ.
Since 2001, Goshen College annually celebrates special seasons of the church calendar, particularly Advent and Lent, with online devotions.