My brother, who is three years older than me, got married last month on the beach. As I was sitting in my chair at the head table, I started looking at each person and I realized how our lives are all constantly changing. Time does not stop. We are not stagnant human beings. We all become older – our relationships change with our family and friends. We may view ourselves differently, but there always seems to be part of that same young child or teenager within each person.
It becomes so easy to think about the changes with negativity, sadness and fear. However, I have to stop myself. Tomorrow, and the change it brings, is a day not to worry about. The past has shaped each one of us to be the beautiful beings we are.
Instead of worry, sadness and fear, I begin to have joy for too many things to even list, but mostly the fact that my feet are able to dig into warm sand and I can be surrounded by my dearest family members watching my brother get married to a wonderful woman. I have hope that in the future, which will have its challenges, I will be okay with God by my side. God will be standing there.
The fear and worry subsides with the knowledge that things may be different tomorrow, but different is not a bad thing. I challenge you to enjoy today for today and not worry about tomorrow.
Matthew 6:34: “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today”