Scripture: Hebrews 5:5-10 (NRSV)
In today’s passage, the writer of Hebrews reflects upon Jesus’ ‘days of flesh’ – his embodiment as human, capable of pain, capable of sorrow. Jesus chose to identify fully with humanity.
Some years ago, I lived in an urban neighborhood that was beset by skunks every spring. For the most part, they were not too much of a nuisance – one learned to steer clear of them, and hoped that outdoor pets would do the same. However, one year we discovered a family taking up residence underneath our backyard deck. City animal control came and set no-kill traps in order to capture and release the critters elsewhere.
One day after work I noticed a baby skunk had been trapped in the cage. The distressed mama skunk worriedly paced around the cage. Meanwhile, the rest of the litter came from beneath the deck to go to the mama skunk, which meant that she had to keep tending to them as well, sending them back to safety under the house. As a mama myself, I imagined the panic these creatures must have felt. I was struck by the mama skunk’s determination to not leave any of her babies, no matter the cost. Some may believe the so-called “lower” animals only operate by instinct, and are not capable of “human” emotions, like love and fear.
It is a wonder that our God has chosen to enter into our human experience – love, fear, pain, sorrow – all of it. Through Jesus, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe knows intimately all that we can know. And loves us through it.
Scripture: Hebrews 5:5-10 (NRSV)
So also Christ did not glorify himself in becoming a high priest, but was appointed by the one who said to him, You are my Son, today I have begotten you; 6as he says also in another place, You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek. 7In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. 8Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; 9and having been made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him,
10having been designated by God a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek.