Oh, that you would reveal your peace! This word “peace” is tossed around on a regular basis, but what does it truly mean for us and for the world? It is tempting, especially during Advent, to wrap peace into a tidy package or reduce it to a greeting on a Christmas card, absolving ourselves of further responsibility. But true peace demands more of us. While it can manifest itself as tranquility, peace can also be bold. It is heard in a triumphant angel song, proclaiming “Peace on earth, goodwill to all!” It calls each of us to add our voices to the jubilant celebration, rejoicing that the Prince of Peace came and taught us how to live and not just dream.
It is easy to live as if “peace on earth” is a fantasy, or something for another time. But this denies everything Jesus stands for. We are told of the blessedness of the peacemakers, and to “seek peace and pursue it.” Our actions of peace don’t need to start on a grand scale; peace brings its own grandeur and flourishes once it has been planted.
A listening ear can create reconciliation in relationships. A helping hand can build bridges in communities. A song of love can reverberate throughout the world. Each small moment of peace reveals more of the mystery of God. My hope for this advent season is that Christ’s peace will be revealed in each of us, and that we would seek to live out this peace.