We emerge from the Holy Week journey this year as we emerge from the winter of the pandemic. We read the Easter story with familiar joy. Yes! The Lord is risen indeed!

By Grace Van Note, a senior public relations major from Chicago For every year as long as I have been alive, my parents, my Godparents and whomever else we invite, get together to celebrate Passover. Every year come rain or shine we celebrated. I remember one year when I was a child I forced … Keep reading »
Abyssus Abyssum Vocat
But beyond that refracted horizon looms a feast of health, hope and healing. Deep darkness, with the promise of boundless light.
Deep in the feast: Called to deep living
We have seen the Lord! A rich feast has been prepared for all peoples on the mountain of God.
From Humiliation to Exaltation
In this time of reflection, remain steadfast and trust your sacrifice won’t be in vain but serve as a testament to the glory of God.
Hope from the Foundation of Love
Our trust in God’s steadfast love spurs our hope forward.
Deep in the current: Called to deep hope
As we follow Jesus into Holy Week, we sense the rush of the crowds and seek the deep, steady current of God’s steadfast love, calling us to deep hope in the One who comes in the name of the Lord.
Planting Faith
God creates a clean heart in us, providing us with sustenance and the spiritual nutrients our souls need to fulfill a calling to deeper growth.
A Polite Interest in Jesus
God, by taking human nature upon God’s self – living in poverty and dying in shame and torment – has earned the right to ask us to hold on a little longer until morning comes…until resurrection.
Deep in the Earth: Called to Deep Growth
In the parable of the sower, Christ gives us an illustration of what happens if our seeds of faith are not planted in the fertile soil where our roots can run deep.
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