The first week of classes included lectures, museum visits, church tours, and silly games. On the weekend, students went out on adventures big and small with their host families.
Some went hiking…
Some showed off their fitness
Biking was popular…
…so was photobombing (or selfies?)
Blessed are those who get to go on boat rides
…and petting zoos
…more petting zoo
Some decided to make us hungry and jealous of their food.
Official records show that some things in Ecuador “Are SOOO cute!” (Sorry, inside joke)
Hello, Quito!
More “Hello, Quito!”
Awww! 2.0
Another “Hello, Quito” moment
…and another photobombing!
Some celestial figures appeared in our midst.
A few missed the cold, so they hiked up mountainous terrains.
But family warmth kept them from the cold.
On Saturday morning, some students didn’t go on family outings. Instead, they choose to run away with the circus, the circus being Klever and Cristóbal hiking through Parque Metropolitano.
The gang sign is not for West Side, but for Wyse Hall.
How do you spell Quito backwards?
You go to the other side of the sign!
Sunny day, happy people.
Rules are rules!
Monkey bars, human practitioner.
From the series: “How to stay young and cool”
The group, pondering life and other important things.
Another nail biter atop the park
Klever really got into the game, at some point he ended up horizontal and a yell was heard: “Don’t break my Klever or you’ll have to get me a new one!”
Also overheard: “This is my circus, are these my… ?”