Visiting Academic Partners: Universitario Rumiñahui

In our last week of study, SST students and faculty were hosted by peers at Instituto Universitario Tecnológico Rumiñahui, in Sangolqui, Ecuador. The day was full of information, cultural exchanges, games, English-Spanish conversation practice, and history lessons. We learned that U Rimiñahui takes its name from an Inca general who fought the Spanish conquests. Thanks to our partners in Ecuador!

Universitario Rumiñahui welcomed GC SSTers and organized a whole day that included shared activities with U Rumiñahui students and faculty.

After the welcome activities, we took a tour of campus, visiting classes and labs.

As a Language Professor, I really enjoyed facilitating a Conversation Partners activity, and so did students.

After the tour, language activities, and Q&A sessions, Universitario Rumiñahui presented each student with a diploma for having participated and learned during our visit.

Thank you so much to our partner Instituto Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui!

We really enjoyed our visit!