David Housman
Professor of Mathematics & Department Chair
- B.A., Allegheny College, 1979
- M.S., Cornell University, 1982
- Ph.D., Cornell University, 1983
- dhousman@goshen.edu
- (574) 535-7405
- Science Hall 117 (map)
Read interview with David Housman.
David Housman teaches courses in mathematics using interactive lectures, projects, self-discovery, cooperative groups, and a process orientation. He has mentored over seventy students in undergraduate research through summer programs, independent studies, and senior theses. His research interests are in game theory with applications to biology, economics, and political science. He currently attends St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church.
Recent (2018-2024)
- Math 105: Quantitative Reasoning (Syllabus)
- Math 170: Functions, Data, and Models (Syllabus)
- Math 205: Discrete Mathematics (Syllabus)
- Math 211: Calculus I (Syllabus)
- Math 212: Calculus II (Syllabus)
- Math 233: Statistical Models (Syllabus)
- Math 250: Game Theory (Syllabus)
- Math 301: Linear Algebra (Syllabus)
- Math 302: Abstract Algebra (Syllabus)
- Math 305: Modern Geometry (Syllabus)
- Math 311: Real Analysis (Syllabus)
- Math 321: Differential Equations (Syllabus)
- Math 323: Probability and Statistics (Syllabus)
- Math 350: Advanced Game Theory (Syllabus)
- Math 351: Mathematical Modeling (Syllabus)
- Math 355: Graph Theory (Syllabus)
- Math 390: Problem Solving Seminar (Syllabus)
- Math 399: Group Theory (Syllabus)
- Math 411: History Seminar (Syllabus)
- Math 412: Connections Seminar (Syllabus)
- Math 413: Discoveries Seminar (Syllabus)
At Goshen College, I have taught 57 different courses based upon course numbers and overseen internships in both mathematics and computer science. Below are listed names of courses I have taught over my entire career.
- Lower-Level Mathematics: Applied Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Calculus I, Calculus II, Fair Allocation (Peacemaking Perspectives course), Freshman Seminar (in game theory), Intermediate Algebra, Introductory Statistics, Mathematical Modeling (for liberal arts students), Mathematical World (survey course for liberal arts students), Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (Arithmetic and Geometry), Multivariate Calculus, Precalculus, and Quantitative Reasoning.
- Upper-Level Mathematics: Abstract Algebra, Applied Linear Algebra, Biomathematics, Combinatorics and Discrete Models, Conjecture and Proof, Differential Equations, Discrete Optimization, Game Theory, Graph Theory, Group Theory, Linear Algebra, Linear Programming, Mathematical Modeling, Modern Geometry, Numerical Analysis, Probabilistic Methods of Operations Research, Probability and Statistics, Real Analysis, Senior Seminar, and Statistical Models.
- Computer Science: Advanced Programming, Data Structures, Introduction to Computer Science, Operating Systems, Programming Techniques, Senior Seminar (ethics), and Theory of Computation.
- Management Information Systems: Mathematics for Information Systems, Visual Basic Programming.
- Independent Studies Mentored: Apportionment, Cryptography, Game Theory, Half-life Game Programming, Mathematical Biology, Number Theory, OpenGL graphics, and Real Analysis.
SIMIODE Textbook Uses, panel at SIMIODE EXPO 2025, online, February 14-16, 2025.
Game Theoretic Modeling for Math Majors, four-hour Mathematical Association of America Minicourse, MathFest, Indianapolis, August 7-10, 2024.
Probability a Group Element is Pivotal, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Marian University, April 5-6, 2024.
Preferences in Game Theory, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, University of Notre Dame, October 7, 2023.
Flipping a Penny, My Favorite Statistics / Data Science Activity Contributed Paper Session, MathFest, Tampa, Florida, August 2-5, 2023.
Game and Group Theories Together, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, October 22, 2022.
Game Theoretic Modeling for Math Majors, four-hour Mathematical Association of America Minicourse, MathFest, Online, August 4-7, 2021.
Congressional Apportionment, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Online, March 27, 2021.
Game Theoretic Modeling for Math Majors, four-hour Mathematical Association of America Minicourse, MathFest, Cincinnati, July 31-August 3, 2019.
Four Games in Fifty Minutes, Manchester University, Sigma Pi Sigma and Kappa Mu Epsilon Banquet, May 6, 2019.
A Mathematical Modeling Course, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, University of Indianapolis, April 5-6, 2019.
A Biological Auction, IUPUI Applied Mathematics seminar, October 26, 2018.
Solutions for Partially Defined Coalition Games, Mathematical Association of America Invited Paper Session on Fair Division, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, Washington, January 6-9, 2016.
Teaching Math: What Technology Should Do, What People Should Do, Mennonite High School Instructional Technology Meeting, Goshen College, May 1, 2015.
Maple Scholars Program, Undergraduate Research in Mathematics: How, When, Why Contributed Paper Session, MathFest, Portland, Oregon, August 6-9, 2014.
Modeling a Biological Auction, Valparaiso University, July 12, 2013.
A Game Theory Path to Quantitative Literacy, four-hour Mathematical Association of America Minicourse, Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, California, January 9-12, 2013; MathFest, Madison, Wisconsin, August 2-4, 2012; Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 4-9, 2011; MathFest, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 5-7, 2010; MathFest, Portland, Oregon, August 6-8, 2009; Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, DC, January 5-8, 2009; MathFest, Madison, Wisconsin, July 29 to August 2, 2008.
Fair Allocation, two-hour student workshop, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Ball State University, March 23-24, 2012.
Use of Writing in Mathematics Courses, Project NeXT Panel Discussion, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, University of Indianapolis, October 22, 2011.
Four Games in Forty Minutes, Maple Scholars Celebration Day, July 29, 2010.
A Biological Auction, Valparaiso University, July 8, 2010.
Games Mathematicians Play, Goshen College Convocation, May 17, 2010.
An Extremely Simple Fair Division Problem (or How to Divide a Chocolate Bar When Different People Value it Differently), Goshen College Science Speakers, October 13, 2009.
Game theory and the math curriculum, Economic Games and Mechanisms to Address Climate Change, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, May 4-6, 2009.
Modeling a Biological Auction, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, IUPUI, March 20-21, 2009.
Strategic and cooperative games, Kappa Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honor Society at Butler University, November 11, 2008.
Values for partition function form games, GAMES 2008: the Third International Congress of the Game Theory Society, Northwestern University Kellogg School of Business, July 14-17, 2008.
Strategic and cooperative games, three-hour student workshop, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America, St. Mary’s College, March 28-29, 2008.
Games, theory, and experiment, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Colloquium, Valparaiso University, March 26, 2008.
Fair allocation, Communicating Mathematics Conference, University of Minnesota, Duluth, July 16-19, 2007.
Fair division with money, Goshen College Science Speakers Series, September 7, 2005.
Fair division with money, Kappa Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honor Society at Butler University, December 9, 2004.
Values for partially defined cooperative games, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky Tri-Section of the Mathematical Association of America meeting, University of Evansville, November 5-6, 2004.
Solutions for partially defined cooperative games, International Conference on Game Theory, at SUNY Stony Brook, July 12-16, 2004.
Congressional apportionment, Pi Mu Epsilon induction ceremony, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, May, 2004.
Fair division with money, Manchester College, November 2003.
A beautiful mind: some game theory of John Nash, student workshop, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America meeting, Butler University, March, 2003.
Getting the most for your vote, Manchester College, November 2001.
Exploring the relationship between students’ learning strategies and their views on the nature of mathematical proof, 5th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Chicago, September 2000.
Proof schemes and learning strategies of above-average mathematics students, Research Presession of the 78th Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Chicago, April 2000 (with Mary Porter).
The mathematics of congressional apportionment, American Association for the Advancement of the Sciences, Washington, DC, February 2000; Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America meeting, Earlham College, April 2000.
What convinces above-average mathematics students?, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America meeting, Valparaiso University, October 1999 (with Mary Porter).
Strategic and cooperative game theory, student workshop, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America meeting, Indiana University, March, 1999; Purdue University, October, 1999.
Fair allocation, Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America meeting, St. Mary’s College, November 1998.
Game Theory: A Modeling Approach, CRC Press, 2019 (with Rick Gillman and Audrey Malagon).
Models of Conflict and Cooperation, American Mathematical Society, 2009 (with Rick Gillman).
Fair allocation methods for coalition games, Communicating Mathematics, Timothy Y. Chow and Daniel C. Isaksen (eds.), American Mathematical Society, 2009 , 127-156.
Worked examples and concept example usage in understanding mathematical concepts and proofs, Making the Connection: Research and Teaching in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Marilyn Carlson and Chris Rasmussen (Eds.), Mathematical Association of America, 2008, 245-252 (with Keith Weber and Mary Porter).
Proof schemes and learning strategies of above-average mathematics students, Educational Studies in Mathematics 53 (2003), 139 – 158 (with Mary Porter).
Linear and symmetric values for partially defined cooperative games, International Journal of Game Theory 30 (2001) 377 – 404.
Cooperative game theory REU, Proceedings of the Conference on Summer Undergraduate Mathematics Research Programs, Joseph A. Gallian, Ed., American Mathematical Society (2000) 55 – 57.
Core and monotonic allocation procedures, International Journal of Game Theory 27 (1998) 611 – 616 (with Lori Clark).
Facilitating learning events through example generation, Educational Studies in Mathematics 33 (1997) 283-299 (with Randall P. Dahlberg).
Observations from both sides of the fence, Models for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (Lester Senechal, Editor), Mathematical Association of America, 1991.
Infinite player noncooperative games and the continuity of the Nash equilibrium correspondence, Mathematics of Operations Research 13 (1988) 488 – 496.
Book Review of “Game Theory in the Social Sciences” by Martin Shubik, International Journal of Game Theory 14 (1985) 205 – 206.
Reapportionment by weighted voting, Cornell OR&IE Technical Report #533, January 1982 (with William Lucas, John Maceli, and Michael Hilliard).
Apportionment: reflections on the politics of mathematics, Engineering: Cornell Quarterly 16 (1982) 16 – 22 (with William Lucas).
Enumeration of hamiltonian paths in Cayley diagrams, Aequationes Mathematicae 23 (1981) 80 – 97.
Förster transfer rates for Chlorophyll a, Photochemistry and Photobiology 29 (1979) 1163 – 1167 (with Lester Shipman).
National Science Foundation – Principle Investigator for “Leaf Scholars: Growing Success in Science, Informatics and Mathematics for First-Generation Students” (Co-PIs John Ross Buschert, Kent Palmer, Ryan Sensenig, and Daniel Smith)
Mathematical Association of America, Strengthening Underrepresented Minority Mathematics Achievement Program – Principle Investigator for”Fair Division and Cooperative Game Theory”
National Science Foundation – Principle Investigator for “Cooperative Game Theory Research Experience for Undergraduates”
National Science Foundation – Principle Investigator for “Pure and Applied Discrete Mathematics Research Experience for Undergraduates” (Co-PIs M. Halsey, B. Servatius and P. Christopher)
Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (1985-present)
- Mathematical Competition in Modeling Faculty Advisor (1986-present)
Council on Undergraduate Research (1990-present)
- Councilor (1990-1999)
- Secretary, Mathematical and Computer Sciences Division (1990-1995)
- Chair, Data and Statistics Committee (1994-1997)
Game Theory Society (1998-present)
Mathematical Association of America (1979-present)
- CUPM Subcommittee on Undergraduate Research (1990-1993)
- Student Chapter Faculty Advisor (1994-1997)
- Institutional Liaison (1994-1997)
- Indiana Section Secretary (2001-2008)
- Indiana Section Governor (2008-2011)
- Indiana Section Distinguished Service Award (2009)
- Indiana Section Certificate of Meritorious Service (2024)
- Indiana Section Congress Representative (2023-2026)
- Contributed Paper Sessions Committee Member (2009-2012)
- Contributed Paper Sessions Committee Chair (2012-2015)
- Status of the Profession Committee Member (2010-2013)
- Indiana Section Outreach Coordinator (2015-2018)
National Council of the Teachers of Mathematics (2009-2015)
Pi Mu Epsilon (1986-present)
- Chapter Faculty Advisor (1986-1989, 1993, 1995-1997)
Science Olympiad (2000-2024)
- Event Supervisor (2000-2006, 2009-2010, 2012-2020, 2023-2024)
- Regional Tournament Co-Director (2010-2024)
- Indiana Membership Director (2015-2019)
- Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Goshen College, 1998-present
- Department Chair (2004-2007, 2010-present)
- Faculty Chair (2019-2020, 2023-2024)
- Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Allegheny College, 1993-1998
- Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Drew University, 1989-1993
- Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1984-1989
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, 1983-1984