Bible Study and Prayer

Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. ~Matthew 22:37, 39
Muslim Prayer Room
Located in the lower level of Kulp Residence Hall, this space is set aside as a private place for daily prayer and meditation for our Muslim students.
CMC Prayer Room
Located in the Church-Chapel, this is another place set aside for prayer and meditation, open during the day.
Bible Study, Prayer and Support
Opportunities are available for students who are interested in meeting together in small group settings. For more information, contact the campus pastor.
Witmer Woods
Located on the west side of Main Street between campus and College Cabin is a wonderful 18-acre arboretum of native shrubs and trees. It’s an excellent place to spend time with God in nature.
Prayer & Peace Vigils
As local and global needs arise, we often gather to light candles, sing, or pray around the Peace Pole. This can be organized or requested by anyone in our campus community who feels the need to call others to pray. We are happy to help coordinate a vigil to offer our communal prayers for healing, lament, or protest. Contact the Campus Pastor to make arrangements.
The Goshen College labyrinth is a place for prayer and meditation in the lawn north east of East Hall. The labyrinth is a replica of an ancient labyrinth constructed around 1220 CE, in the stone floor of Chartres Cathedral, France. This design has 11 circuits, or concentric circles, with a twelfth one forming a six-petal rosette at the center.