Faith Groups & Support

Goshen College offers plenty of opportunities to explore your faith in one-on-one and group settings.
Pastoral Care
Sometimes life feels hard. Perhaps you are grieving, struggling, or just want to have someone help you listen for God’s voice in your life and current situation. The Campus Pastor is available to support, guide and comfort you. You are welcome to contact the Campus Pastor anytime to schedule a one-on-one appointment.
Spiritual Friendship/Direction
Some local spiritual directors offer special student discounts. We also offer group spiritual direction as a way to practice listening and discerning God’s voice with your peers.
Grief Support Group
Have you recently experienced the death of someone close to you? Depending upon student interest and need, we can facilitate a support group that will meet throughout the semester to listen to one another and to lend support to each other. Contact Campus Ministries for more information.
Retreats (Personal and Small Group)
The Campus Pastor can help you develop your own retreat and suggest various local places of interest to hold your retreat … a great floor activity! Possible locations include College Cabin, Merry Lea, Pathways Retreat Center.
Small groups provide a way to form deeper connections with others and with God, offering support on your faith journey. Groups meet weekly and are led by GC Faculty and Staff, with varying topics depending on group interest.
You can also find a directory of local churches here