Madison Swartzendruber ’22
Meet Madison Swartzendruber ’22, a film production major from Goshen, Indiana.

“Since I grew up in Goshen, it was good for me to leave the area for a bit! I went to Hesston first, but then had the choice of big state schools or GC. It was an obvious choice to return to Goshen. I wanted a small college, and GC has equally strong, quality programs as the large universities. It’s good to be back home. We have a supportive community here.
I’m graduating this year, so I’m looking for work! I would like to direct films and work with children’s shows, such as Disney or Nickelodeon. I want to help children work through tackling serious topics which would then help emotional/life issues. I also enjoy teaching young actors the operations of acting in a professional setting.
To be able to say that I worked and took classes in Los Angeles through our programs here at GC is amazing! The classmates from other universities often focus on one aspect of filmmaking, such as editing or writing. But at GC, Kyle Hufford teaches us to work on all the skills and techniques. This semester I’m writing, editing and producing my own short film. It means so much to be able to have a college experience, and be able to afford college. If I didn’t have scholarships and grants, I wouldn’t have had these awesome experiences.”