The Lillian K. Amstutz (Fox) Gotshall Scholarship Fund

Lillian K. Amstutz was born in the farming community of Kidron, Ohio to parents who had completed their formal education in eighth grade.  However, they encouraged their children to never stop learning and to pass on their knowledge and experiences to others.  Lillian began doing this already as a grade school student in a one-room school when she began tutoring younger students.

After graduating from Goshen College with an elementary education degree in 1956, she taught in Ohio and Indiana and taking the College’s motto of “Culture for Service” to heart, taught on the Hopi and Navajo reservations in Arizona.  She furthered her education by earning a master’s degree in education from the University of Northern Colorado in 1965.

Then, after Lillian married a Disciples of Christ minister, she would move with him as he took on new church assignments and Lillian would teach children’s Sunday School classes, arts/crafts and Bible classes to young children.  In addition to being an excellent teacher, she excelled at oil painting and in music.  She was an accomplished pianist and sang in several choirs.

It is hoped that the recipients of her scholarship carry the same deep passion for and love of teaching and helping young minds reach their full potential.