Daniel and Esther Hoover Metzler Scholarship Fund

“If I were going to design a ‘model’ community, I’d want to begin with a citizen like Dan Metzler,” wrote a columnist in the Nappanee Advance News in paying tribute to Dan, who died in November 1983. A quick review of Dan’s–and his wife Esther’s–contributions to their community and Goshen College gives ample evidence that this statement is true.

A well-known Nappanee businessman and active community resident, Dan was associated with the Metzler Shoe Company from 1926 until his death. During that time he served as the firm’s president and treasurer, helping it achieve wide-spread recognition for fine quality and personal service.

Woven around these business commitments was Dan’s interest in the health of his church and community. He held numerous positions of responsibility in the First Mennonite Church; served as president of a local service club and was a member of the public library board of trustees; and was instrumental in forming the Nappanee Development Corp., which brought business and professional leaders together to ensure the economic vitality of the community.

Esther Hoover Metzler too was a solid contributor to her community. For years she taught high school English and helped direct drama in the Nappanee schools. She also volunteered her time in support of various community projects and organizations.

Dan and Esther were also “model” in their support for Goshen College. Even though neither had attended Goshen as students, they believed in the college and appreciated the contribution it made to the educational and cultural well-being of Nappanee and other nearby communities. The Metzlers indicated their interest in Goshen with both their verbal encouragement and financial gifts.

The Metzler Scholarship Fund has been established by the couple for deserving Goshen College students from the Nappanee area. This on-going scholarship serves as a fitting reminder of the Metzlers’ lives as “model” citizens, who appreciated and made significant contributions to their community and its college.