The Marie H. and Victor E. Stoltzfus International Student Scholarship

Victor and Marie Stoltzfus, both 1956 graduates of Goshen College, first learned of a Goshen College international student who was in need of a sponsor when her mother lost her job.  They helped her stay in college with a personal donation.  Then they learned that others at College Mennonite Church were doing the same thing for international students who needed assistance in order to attend Goshen College.  So several decades ago they joined with other members of CMC to form the International Student Ministry Group and thus began a new ministry for the congregation.

Over the years, support was solicited from individuals in other states and Canada who also had interest in Goshen College and in helping international students at GC.  Goshen area people from congregations other than CMC are also supporting this ministry.   Together, over our history, well over a hundred students (to the present 2107 year) from Asia, Africa, Europe, Central and South America and the Middle East have been helped.  Friendships have been formed and non-financial needs have also been addressed.

Vic has served as the primary fundraiser for the International Student Ministry Group from the very beginning.  Marie has been a member of the committee whose work it is to both raise the funds needed and then to determine which GC international students will be assisted with this financial support.  Vic and others on the committee work with Goshen College staff to prepare and mail a fund letter each year, asking for financial contributions to underwrite this ministry.

Victor and Marie are deeply gratified when international students come and thrive at Goshen College.   Victor served as President of Goshen College 1984 to 1996.   He is now retired.