From orientation to host families
Saturday was a full day of orientation. We started the morning with a walk to UKDW, the university where our language classes will take place. On the way we stopped at Ibu Ning and Ibu Martha’s home so students meet a host family and see their first Indonesian home. Ibu Ning had graciously prepared snacks and water for us, we had a lovely chat, and took a picture before heading on to the university about 15 minutes away.

The university was empty, but we were able to do a quick look-around (and use the ATM!). We walked past the Language Training Center, where we will meet on Monday morning, and checked out the cafeteria– lots of food options! We’ll post pictures of all these places in action once start classes.
After the university visit, we stopped off at the mall to cool off and spend a little time observing people and places in Indonesia. Following our first bus ride (every single student was able to use their gojek app to pay for their own ride! Success!), we headed to lunch at Yamie Romo (“ya-mie-rono”= yes-noodles-Samirono neighborhood), a side street restaurant. Delicious noodles were had by all!

In the afternoon we heard from our partner organization, IIAP, on Indonesian culture and sexual exploitation prevention. Ibu Stephannie woke us up with a penguin dance song (much enjoyed and appreciated by all). We figured that after such a strenuous afternoon, supper was in order so we trekked down the road a bit to Spesial Sambal for some amazing food and drinks.

Sunday morning came quickly and brought some nerves. We opened with a couple of songs from the Voices Together hymnal, and wrapped up with some info on culture shock before scooting tables and furniture around to make room for our Serah-terima ceremony– literally a “handing over” ceremony. This ceremony occurs in Indonesia when there are transitions of different kinds, and Stephannie and Galuh had suggested that we put one together for the students’ transition from orientation to host family. Families arrived and we proceeded with the simple ceremony, starting with a welcome by Ibu Diyah. Susan gave a welcome to host families and students, and we sang “Seeds” (Voices Together #777) with our host families. We heard from both Francisco and his host father, Pak Henry. The short ceremony ended with a symbolic “handing over” of Francisco to Pak Henry. We didn’t get a picture of that, but it ended with laughs as Pak Henry pretended to pick Francisco up as if he were a newborn!
Afterwards we got a picture of each student and their host family representative(s), and a few pictures of the entire group. What a whirlwind weekend, and as students left with their host families, the house seemed pretty empty!
Each of our host families is so unique, and they have much to share with our students. We look forward to hearing their stories and journeys over the coming weeks. Please hold them in your thoughts and prayers this week as they adjust to their host family and our study schedule.