Week 2 in Indonesia!
It’s been a little too long since we updated the blog. We’ve been busy with language classes and becoming acquainted with the city of Yogyakarta. Students continue to amaze us with their willingness to be brave and try new things in this completely new culture. They are riding buses and motorcycles, navigating the city independently, and are having lots of new experiences!
Our weekdays generally start with language class from 8-10 am. Our students are being encouraged in language class to develop practical language skills, and we are very grateful for the guidance of Ibu Mega and Ibu Arida (I will post pictures of them in action after next week when I visit the class!). Typically after language class, we have a couple of hours for a break, where students set up appointments with their Indonesian language buddy, eat lunch, and generally relax (sometimes they also seek comfort in the air conditioning of the mall down the road too).
Our afternoons have included lectures, dance classes, debriefing time at Rumah Goshen, and lunches together. Our week 2 lecture included travel up to UGM (Indonesia’s premier university, situated here in Yogyakarta) and a lecture by Ibu Fatimah. She was so insightful in her ability to explain many parts of Islam to us.
The day after Ibu Fatimah’s lecture, we traveled to Bumi Cendekia Pesantren, an Islamic boarding school on the west side of Yogyakarta. Goshen College students introduced themselves to the Pesantren students and led activities in class. We enjoyed our lunch at the Pesantren and ended mid-afternoon. It was such a fun day! Thanks to Pak Iqbal, Ibu Linda, Pak Angga, Ibu Novia, Pak Obed, and many others there. It was a day where we really had the opportunity to see a unique part of Indonesian culture, and we are fortunate have had the opportunity to be there.
I’ll conclude our picture gallery below with some photos that host families have posted on our whataspp chat. It’s really fun for me to see the opportunities that students have to interact with their families, who we are so grateful for!