Texts Now in Translation
In preparation for Renewal 2027 in Kisumu, Kenya this April, the ISGA—with grant support from the Schowalter Foundation—published three new translations of John Driver’s Life Together in the Spirit.
Originally published in Spanish, the ISGA helped to create an English version, along with a new introduction and as responses from around the global church, for distribution at the MWC Assembly 2015 in Harrisburg, PA.
The French, Indonesian, and a new Spanish translations were released at the MWC General Council meeting in Kenya this year. All are now available online through MWC and the ISGA.
Translation work on the Driver volume continues with a Portuguese version nearing completion and a Korean edition already available through Plough Publishing. With each added translation, this resource is shared with more Anabaptists around the world.
Translation work also continues on Bearing Witness: Stories of Martyrdom and Costly Discipleship. In mid-June, the French translation was published; the Indonesian translation will be completed and available very soon. Both translations will be accessible on the ISGA website as well as the Anabaptist Wiki. The French translation is available at archive.org/details/TreTmoin.