BiDA provides trustworthy sources for leadership development

By Isaiah Friesen

Resources from the Biblioteca Digital Anabautista (Digital Anabaptist Library–BiDA) are making an impact through an initiative of the Iglesia Menonita Hispana (Hispanic Mennonite Church–IMH). The Academia de Liderazgo Misional Anabautista (Academy of Anabaptist Missional Leadership–ALMA) was founded in 2019 with the goal of responding to practical theological and leadership development needs in IMH. Sandra Montes-Martinez, director of ALMA, calls the self-guided learning platform a type of “first-aid kit” for leaders who want to explore a potential call to ministry.

ALMA has since developed four learning modules, which involve nearly 500 participants in the United States and around the world. Texts available in the BiDA form the core of the reading list for ALMA modules, said Montes-Martinez. The modules seek to develop and reinforce practical leadership skills among lay church members, including strengthening Anabaptist identity.

BiDA’s collection of Anabaptist writings, maintained by the ISGA at, has allowed ALMA to expose participants to a range of Anabaptist thought. Modules focused on the church in mission and “the church on the move” have especially made use of BiDA resources, Montes-Martinez said.

“BiDA has fulfilled an important function for ALMA. BiDA gives us the confidence of having trustworthy sources that reinforce Anabaptist identity. The authors are people who have been immersed in Hispanic culture. And these resources help us in our [theological] vocabulary,” said Montes-Martinez.

Montes-Martinez noted an ongoing need for more Spanish-language resources specifically for Latino communities in the United States, who have different needs and experiences than Latin American churches. In the meantime, BiDA’s resources, including Spanish-language works written for North American or Latin American church audiences, play an important role in meeting the needs of Hispanic church communities.