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Global Anabaptist Profile results to be published

The Global Anabaptist Profile (GAP), an extensive three-year project supported by the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism, is nearing completion. Implemented among 24 member groups of Mennonite World Conference (MWC), the survey was completed by 18,299 individuals representing 403 congregations on five continents. The ISGA plans to publish a full-length report near the end of 2016, featuring individual conference profiles as well as composite analysis of all participating groups.

Bearing Witness publishes MWC interviews

“Maybe people think persecution is always negative, but for us we learned how to depend on God while our church was closed.” -Adi Walujo, Indonesia During Mennonite World Conference Assembly last summer, over twenty individuals sat down in front of our cameras to share stories from their lives of “risk, opposition, suffering or sacrifice in the way of Christ.” The videos and stories resulting from these interviews can now be found in a new section on the Bearing Witness Stories Project website.