Wolf Lake, Indiana, is not the easiest place to get internet access. After three lightning strikes to our internet tower and many foggy mornings with feeble signals, Executive Director Luke Gascho decided to upgrade to fiber optic cable.
On their daily commutes, employees enjoyed watching the ditch-digging equipment and giant reels of cable progress along the road from Wolf Lake to their own doorstep. On November 29, The new cable finally arrived at the Learning Center Building.
The underground cable will provide many times the seven-megabit bandwidth Merry Lea employees currently enjoy as they wait for a webpage, watching little electronic wheels go around. The additional speed will allow for growth in numbers of staff and students. It will also make new research projects possible, as well as the sharing of research data online.
Luke reports that it was a pleasure to work with Ligtel Communications on this process. The small telephone company based in Ligonier, Ind., excels at customer service.