Homeschool Programs & Junior/Teen IMN

We offer programs for kids of all ages ranging from 6 to 18. Check out our summer and school year options that we offer below to see the many ways children can get outdoor to explore and learn alongside Merry Lea!

Any of our standard field trips are available as a homeschool co-op program as well. Contact us for more information!

School Year Programs

Click the > to learn more about programs that run through the school year such as our homeschool series (age: 6-9) & Junior and Teen Indiana Master Naturalist (age: 9-17)!

School Year Programs

Summer Programs

Click the > to learn more about programs offered during the summer such as Nature Explorers (elementary kids), IMN Summer Day Camp (9-15) and Conservation Leadership School (16-18).

Summer Programs

All offerings are aligned to Indiana Academic Standards, and are designed to support your student’s academic and outdoor learning. Please be sure to review our policies regarding scheduling, cancellation and program logistics on the registration page.