July 1997 Table of Contents

Contents of Volume
July 1997 Number Three

  • In This Issue (323)
  • Church-Related Organizations: Mission, Image
    and Promotion (327)
    Herman Bontrager

  • Sustainers or Seducers? The Rise and Meaning
    of Church-Related Institutions (345)
    Donald F. Durnbaugh

  • A.M. Fire and Storm [Insurance]: Simplicity
    in a Strongly Amish Institution (365)
    Catherine Schlegel

  • Church-Related Institutions: Driven by Member
    Commitment or by
    Economic Forces? (377)
    James M. Harder

  • Mission Community: A New Image for Church-Related
    Institutions (395)
    John W. Eby

  • Toward an Anabaptist Theology of Institutions
    Albert J. Meyer

  • Church-Related Institutions: Signs of God’s
    Reign? (421)
    Ted Koontz

  • Leadership, Authority and Power
    Rodney J. Sawatsky

  • Reviews (453)
    • Redekop, Calvin, Stephen C. Ainlay and Robert
      Siemens. Mennonite Entrepreneurs. Review by Royden Loewen

    • Kraybill, Donald B. and Steven N. Nolt.
      Amish Enterprise: From Plows to Profits. Review by Jana M.

    • Fitzkee, Donald R. Moving Toward the
      Mainstream. Review by Dale R. Stoffer

    • Dew, Charles B. Bond of Iron: Master
      and Slave and Buffalo Forge. Review by Steve Longenecker

    • Epp, Ingrid and Harvey Dyck. The Peter
      F. Braun Russian Mennonite Archive, 1803-1920 and Albert W.
      Wardin, Jr. Evangelical Sectarianism in the Russian Empire and
      the USSR: A Bibliographic Guide. Review by Walter Sawatsky

    • Mellink, A. F., ed. Kerkhistorische Bijdragen
      Deel XVII: Documenta Anabaptistica Neerlandica, VII Friesland (1551-1601)
      and Gronigen (1538-1601). Review by Gary K. Waite

    • Rasmusson, Arne. The Church as Polis.
      Review by Michael G. Cartwright

    • Queen, Edward L., Stephen R. Prothero, Gardiner
      H. Shattuck, Jr. The Encyclopedia of American History (2
      vols.). Review by Keith Graber Miller

    • Lehman, Glenn. You Can Lead Singing:
      A Song Leader’s Manual. Review by Diane Schrock Hertzler

    • Swander, Mary. Out of This World: A Woman’s
      Life Among the Amish. Review by Steven D. Reschly

    • Friesen, David. Journey of Faith: Winkler
      Bergthaler Mennonite Church, 1895-1995. Review by Dennis Stoesz

    • Chrisman, Miriam Usher. Conflicting Visions
      of Reform: German Lay Propaganda Pamphlets, 1519-1530. Review
      by Stephen E. Buckwalter

    • Hughes, Richard T. Reviving the Ancient
      Faith. Review by Merle D. Strege
  • Authors’ Addresses (480)

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