Goshen College

October 2003 Index2003




Author Addresses 3

In This Issue 5

Mennonite World Conference, 1925-2000: From Euro-American

Conference to Worldwide Communion

John A. Lapp and Ed van Straten 7

A Mennonite-Christian View of Suffering: The Case of Russian

Mennonites in the 1930s and 1940s 47

Harry Loewen

Atonement, Violence and the Will of God: A Sympathetic Response

to J. Denny Weaver’s The Nonviolent Atonement 69

Christopher D. Marshall

Thinking Theologically About War Against Iraq 93

Ted Koontz

Amish Tourism: ?Visiting Shipshewana is Better Than Going to the Mall? 109

Thomas J. Meyers

The Mennonite Year in Review ? ?They Left Everything and Followed Him’:

A Year of Finding a New Way to Community 127

Robert Rhodes

News and Announcements 136

Book Reviews 139

Marshall, Christopher D. Crowned with Glory and Honor: Human Rights

in the Biblical Tradition. Reviewed by Martin Shupack

Peachey, Paul. Leaving and Clinging: The Human Significance of the Conjugal Union. Reviewed by Gayle Gerber Koontz

Schmidt, Kimberly D., Diane Zimmerman Umble and Steven D. Reschly. Strangers at Home. Amish and Mennonite Women in History. Reviewed by Karen Johnson-Weiner

Horst, Isaac R. A Separate People: An Insider’s View of Old Order Mennonite Customs and Traditions.

Horst, Isaac R. Bei sich selwer un ungwehnlich: Alt Mennischde Weg vun Lewe in Ontario, zwett auflage / Separate and Peculiar: Old Order Mennonite Life in Ontario. 2nd ed. Reviewed by Steven Nolt

Hess, Clarke. Mennonite Arts. Reviewed by Ervin Beck

Kraybill, Donald B. The Riddle of Amish Culture (rev. ed.). Reviewed by Bruce Tharpe

Redekop, Calvin W. The Pax Story: Service in the Name of Christ 1951-1976. Reviewed by Marion Wenger

Wenger, Esther, Malcolm Wenger and Ann Wenger. Healing the Wounds: One Family’s Journey Among the Northern Cheyenne. Reviewed by Janet Shoemaker

Book Notes 158

Baumen, Chad Mullet and James R. Kraybill, eds. Anabaptism and Mission: A Bibliography, 1859-2000.

Krabill, James R., ed. Mission Insight: Handing on the Legacy. Mission Issues and Stories from Mennonite Board of Missions.

Voogt, Gerrit. Constraint on Trial: Dirk Volckertsz Coornhert and Religious Freedom.

Sider, E. Morris. Canadian Portraits: Brethren in Christ Biographical Sketches.

Littell, Franklin H. Historical Atlas of Christianity.

Cruz, Daniel Shank, ed. How Julia Kasdorf Changed My Life: Reflections on Mennonite Identity.


In This Issue 163

Retrospect and Apologia 167

Dennis Martin

From New Congregations to the Ancient Church 197

A. Orley Swartzentruber

Reflections on Growing Up Mennonite in Lancaster County 217

Mary Jean Kraybill

On Being a Mennonite Catholic 235

Ivan Kauffman

Reflections on a Half-Century of Mennonite Change 257

John W. Meyer

Living Like a Mennonite 277

Arthur J. Dyck

Coming Home to Darkness 295

LeRoy Friesen

Becoming a Mennonite Quaker 323

Lois Frey

News and Announcements 329

Book Reviews 333

Muller, Charles R. Soap Hollow: The Furniture and Its Makers. Reviewed by Ervin Beck

Weaver-Zercher, David. The Amish in the American Imagination. Reviewed by Levi Miller

Redekop, Calvin W. The Pax Story: Service in the Name of Christ, 1951-1976. Reviewed by J. Howard Kauffman

Reynolds, Margaret C. Plain Women: Gender and Ritual in the Old Order River Brethren. Reviewed by Karen M. Johnson-Weiner

Ahlgrim, Ryan. Not as the Scribes: Jesus as a Model for Prophetic Preaching. Reviewed by Daniel P. Schrock

Toews, John B., ed. and trans. The Diaries of David Epp 1837-1843.

Toews, John B., ed. The Story of the Early Mennonite Brethren (1860-1869): Reflections of a Lutheran Churchman. Reviewed by John Thiesen

Weaver, J. Denny. Anabaptist Theology in Face of Postmodernity: A Proposal for the Third Millennium.Reviewed by Harry Huebner

Vaux, Kenneth L. Ethics and the War on Terrorism. Reviewed by Tripp York

Book Note

Watt, David Harrington. Bible-Carrying Christians: Conservative Protestants and Social Power. Noted by Emily Hershberger

Author Addresses 352


In This Issue 355

John Howard Yoder: Mennonite, Evangelical, Catholic 357

Mark Thiessen Nation

John Howard Yoder’s Role in ?The Lordship of Christ Over Church

and State? Conferences 371

Donald F. Durnbaugh

The Legacy of an Inadequate Christology: Yoder’s Critique of

Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture 387

Craig A. Carter

Pacifism and Knowing: ?Truth? in the Theological Ethics of John

Howard Yoder 403

Ted Grimsrud

Theological Foundations for an Ethics of Nonviolence: Was

Yoder’s God a Warrior? 417

Ray C. Gingerich

Yoder’s Jesus and Economics: The Economics of Jesus or the

Economics of Luke? 437

John Zimmerman

The John Howard Yoder Legacy: Whither the Second Generation? 451

J. Denny Weaver

News and Announcements 473

Book Reviews 477

Shaffer, Thomas L. Moral Memoranda from John Howard Yoder. Reviewed by Andrew W. McThenia, Jr.

Seebass, Gottfried. Mntzers Erbe. Werk, Leben und Theologie des Hans Hut. Reviewed by Tom Scott

Ebersole, Rebecca L., Dorcas I. Steckbeck and E. Morris Sider, eds. Celebrating Women’s Stories: Faith Through Life’s Seasons. Reviewed by Mary Swartley

Lehman, James O. Mennonite Tent Revivals, Howard Hammer and Myron Augsburger 1952-1962. Reviewed by James Juhnke

Longenecker, Stephen L. Shenandoah Religion: Outsiders and the Mainstream, 1716-1865. Reviewed by Gerald R. Brunk

Schrock, Frederick J. The Amish Christian Church. Reviewed by Stephen Scott

Dyck, Jacob J. Am Trakt to America: A History and Genealogy for the Descendants of Jacob J. Dyck and Marie G. Harder and Sixty Years of Silence: The Dyck Family in Soviet Russia. Reviewed by Lawrence Klippenstein

Remple, Henry D. From Bolshevik Russia to America: A Mennonite Family Story. Reviewed by Lawrence Klippenstein

Niebuhr, Gundolf, ed. Jahrbuch fr Geschichte und Kultur der Mennoniten in Paraguay. Reviewed by Cornelius J. Dyck

Book Notes (Noted by Jeremy Garber) 494

Stutzman, Ervin R. Tobias of the Amish: A True Story of Tangled Strands in Faith, Family and Community.

Sharp, John E., ed. Gathering at the Hearth: Stories Mennonites Tell.

Schiedel, Mary A. Pioneers in Ministry: Women Pastors in Ontario Mennonite Churches, 1973-2003.

Schwartzentruber, Hubert. Jesus in Back Alleys: The Story and Reflections of a Contemporary Prophet.

Author Addresses 496


Tribute to Ervin Beck 501

In This Issue 503

Postmodern Rhapsody: Faithful Negotiations in the Poetry of Jeff Gundy 507

Todd Davis

Coming Into Voice: Three Mennonite Women Poets and the Beginning

of Mennonite Poetry in the United States 521

Ann Hostetler

The Beloved, Ambivalent Community: Mennonite Poets and the

Postmodern Church 547

David Wright

Yorifumi Yaguchi: International Poet and Prophet of Peace 559

Wilbur Birky

Eve’s Striptease: What’s in a Name? 579

John J. Fisher

?Sloughing Off Ribs’: Revealing The Second Sex in Julia Kasdorf’s

Poetry 589

Beth Martin Birky

Memory Lost and Found: Inspired Forgetfulness in Julia Kasdorf’s

The Body and the Book 613

Susan Fisher Miller

Between Memory and Longing: Rudy Wiebe’s Sweeter Than All the

World 619

Hildi Froese Tiessen

Resolving Dualisms in David Bergen’s Sitting Opposite My Brother 637

Ervin Beck

Putting Herself Forward: Naming and Performance in Sandra

Birdsell’s The Russlnder 647

Paul Tiessen

Searching for Intruders: The Story Behind the Novel 663

Carroll Yoder
The Construction of Mennonite/Amish Character in Novels by

John Updike and Denis Johnson 671

Daniel W. Lehman

Tributes 685

To Harry Loewen by Paul Tiessen

To Yorifumi Yaguchi by Wilbur Birky

To Barbara Claassen Smucker by Elaine Sommers Rich

To Rudy Wiebe by Hildi Froese Tiessen

News and Announcements 693

Book Reviews 697

Bergen, David. The Case of Lena S. Reviewed by Brad S. Born

Friesen, Patrick. The Breath You Take from the Lord. Reviewed by Rhoda Janzen

Good, Merle and Phyllis Pellman Good, eds. What Mennonites are Thinking: 2002. Reviewed by Jeremy Garber

Gundy, Jeff. Scattering Point: The World in a Mennonite Eye. Reviewed by Shari Miller Wagner

Kasdorf, Julia. Fixing Tradition: Joseph W. Yoder, Amish American. Reviewed by Theron F. Schlabach

Mierau, Maurice. Ending with Music. Reviewed by Kevin Saylor

Mock, Melanie Springer. Writing Peace: The Unheard Voices of Great War Mennonite Objectors. Reviewed by Rachel Waltner Goossen

Waltner-Toews, David. The Fat Lady Struck Dumb. Reviewed by Jeff Gundy

Hostetler, Ann, ed. A Cappella: Mennonite Voices in Poetry. Reviewed by Jessica Lapp

David, Todd. Ripe: Poem. Reviewed by Victor Jarrett Enns

Hostetler, Ann. Empty Room With Light: Poems. Reviewed by Lamar Nisly

Janzen, Jean. Tasting the Dust. Reviewed by Darlene Mathis Eddy

Wiebe, Rudy. Sweeter Than All the World. Reviewed by John L. Ruth

Author Addresses 731

Contents of Volume LXXVII (2003) 732

The Mennonite Quarterly Review
Cumulative Index ? 2003