July 2005 Table of Contents

Contents of Volume
July 2005 Number Three

In This Issue
Author Addresses
In Memoriam: Beulah Stauffer Hostetler, 1926-2005
John Howard Yoder’s “Alternative
Perspective” on Christian-Jewish Relations

Alain Epp Weaver
The Publications of John A. Hostetler: A Bibliography
David L. Weaver-Zercher
Beneš Optát, “On Baptism
and the Lord’s Supper”: An Utraquist Reformer’s Opinion
of Pilgram Marpeck’s Vermahnung

Martin Rothkegel
Review Essay: Shawn Francis Peters, The Yoder
Case: Religious Freedom, Education, and Parental Rights

Lee Roy Berry, Jr.
A Different World: Childhood Experiences with the Swiss Anabaptists
Dietrich Schwanitz (trans. by Gerhard Reimer)
News and Announcements
Book Reviews
Harder, John, ed. and trans., From Kleefeld with Love.
Reviewed by James Urry
Harroff, Stephen. The Amish Schools of Indiana: Faith in Education.
Reviewed by Karen M. Johnson-Weiner
Waite, Gary K. Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe.

Reviewed by Katherine Elliot Van Liere
Groch, Marion Kobelt, ed. “Ich bin Judith”: Texte und
Bilder zur Rezeption eines mythischen Stoffes.

Reviewed by James M. Stayer
Checole, Alumu, Samuel Asefa, Bekithemba Duba, et al. A Global Mennonite
History. Volume One: Africa.

Reviewed by Eliakim M. Sibanda
Stassen, Glen H. and David P. Gushee. Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus
in Contemporary Context.

Reviewed by Christian Early
González, Antonio. Reinado de Dios e imperio. Ensayo de teología

Reviewed by Juan Francisco Martínez
Rempel, Henry. A High Price for Abundant Living: The Story of Capitalism.
Reviewed by James Halteman
Swartley, Willard M. Homosexuality: Biblical Interpretation and Moral

Reviewed by Richard B. Gardner
Johns, Loren L. The Lamb Christology of the Apocalypse of John: An
Investigation into Its Origins and Rhetorical Force.

Reviewed by Ted Grimsrud
Schertz, Mary H. and Ivan Friesen. Beautiful Upon the Mountains: Biblical
Essays on Mission, Peace, and the Reign of God.

Reviewed by Shane Kirkpatrick
Kern, Kathleen. Where Such Unmaking Reigns.
Reviewed by Robert J. Meyer-Lee
Wright, David. A Liturgy for Stones.
Reviewed by Ellen R. Kroeker
Yoder, Cynthia. Crazy Quilt—Pieces of a Mennonite Life.
Reviewed by Melanie Zuercher

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its contents ©2005 The Mennonite Quarterly Review. All
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