July 2009 Table of Contents

Contents of Volume
July 2009 Number Three

In This Issue
In Memoriam: Erland Waltner (1914-2009)
Author Addresses
Capital Punishment, Covenant Justice and the Cross of Christ: The Death
Penalty in the Life and Death of Jesus

Darrin W. Snyder Belousek
"They are to be pitied and wept over, not envied": Hutterite Responses to
Persecution in the Chronicle
Adam Darlage
"Ein schoen lustig Buechlein": The Influence of Pilgram Marpeck’s
"Admonition" on True Baptism and Communion in a Hutterite Polemic
Matthias H. Rauert (trans. by James M. Stayer)
Research Note: Anabaptist Families in Tirol, 1527-1531
Linda A. Huebert Hecht
Book Reviews
Roth, John D. and James M. Stayer, eds. A Companion to Anabaptism and Spiritualism, 1521-1700.
Reviewed by Stephen E. Buckwalter
Haas, Martin, ed. Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer in der Schweiz, vol. 3: Aargau, Bern, Solothurn:Quellen bis 1560.
Reviewed by Hanspeter Jecker
Neufeld, Alfred. What We Believe Together: Exploring the “Shared Convictions” of Anabaptist-RelatedChurch.
Reviewed by Juan Franscisco Martínez
Yarnell, Malcolm B. III. The Formation of Christian Doctrine.
Reviewed by Thomas Finger
Bergen, Jeremy M., Paul G. Doerksen and Karl Koop, eds. Creed and Conscience: Essays in Honour of A. James Reimer
Reviewed by Rachel Reesor-Taylor
Zimmerman, Earl. Practicing the Politics of Jesus: The Origin and Significance of John Howard Yoder’s Social Ethics.   
Reviewed by J. Alexander Sider
Weaver, Alain Epp. States of Exile: Visions of Diaspora, Witness, and Return.
Reviewed by Jon Hoover
Letkemann,  Peter. The Ben Horch Story.
Reviewed by Marlin Jeschke
Book Notes
Lee, Robert and Nancy V., eds.. Making Sense of the Journey: The Geography of our Faith
Mannhardt, H. G. The DanzigMennoniteChurch: Its Origin and History from 1569-1919. Trans. Victor G. Doerksen; eds. Mark Jantzen and John D. Thiesen.
Shepardson, Nikki. Burning Zeal: The Rhetoric of Martyrdom and the Protestant Community in Reformation France, 1520-1570.
Russell, Stephen Overcoming Evil God’s Way: The Biblical and Historical Case for Nonresistance

News and Announcements

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