October 2023
Anabaptism 500th Anniversary Events
Without Sovereign Guarantee: Reading Schleitheim on the Oath with Giorgio Agamben
Marius van Hoogstraten
Recovering an Experience of the Word: “The Anabaptist Vision” and “the Primal Imagination”
Joseph C. L. Sawatzky
The Swiss Brethren Obscured: A Quixotic Redefinition Continues
Arnold Snyder
Anticipating 2025: Interpretations of Anabaptism on the Eve of a 500-Year Celebration: Part Three: Daring to Live Steadfastly
Leonard Gross
News and Announcements
Book Reviews
David C. Cramer and Myles Werntz. A Field Guide to Christian
Nonviolence: Key Thinkers, Activists, and Movements for the
Gospel of Peace.
Reviewed by Joseph Liechty
Lauren Friesen and Dennis R. Koehn, eds. Anabaptist Remix:
Varieties of Cultural Engagement in North America.
Reviewed by Gerald J. Mast
Stuart Murray. The Legacy of Melchior Rinck:
Anabaptist Pioneer in Hesse.
Reviewed by Jacob R. Randolph
Ben C. Ollenburger. God the Creator: The Old Testament
and the World God Is Making.
Reviewed by Collin Cornell
Author Email Addresses
Contents of Volume XCVII–2023