October 2018 Table of Contents
Contents of Volume XCII
October 2018 Number Four
In This Issue
Overview by John D. Roth, editor
- A Narrow Gate? Proceeding along the Way of Jesus by the Spirit
Nancy Elizabeth Bedford - Believers’ Church and the (Counter) Political: The Promise of Anabaptist Ecclesiology in the South African Context
Andrew G. Suderman - Word, Spirit, Experience, and the Practice of Patience: Learning from the Waterlander Mennonite Twofold Word Debate
Karl Koop - Unsettled Peace: The Unity of the Spirit
Thomas R. Yoder Neufeld - The Gospel of Matthew and the Challenge of Antisemitism
John Kampen - Humility and Joy: A Variation on Luther’s Theology of Humility
Miroslav Volf
News and Announcements
Book Reviews
- Snyder, C. Arnold, ed. Later Writings of the Swiss Anabaptists, 1529-1592.
Reviewed by David Y. Neufeld - Wiebe, Joseph R. The Place of Imagination: Wendell Berry and the Poetics of Community, Affection, and Identity.
Reviewed by Nathanael L. Inglis - Hiebert, Kyle Gingerich. The Architectonics of Hope: Violence, Apocalyptic, and the Transformation of Political Theology.
- Kroeker, P. Travis. Messianic Political Theology and Diaspora Ethics: Essays in Exile.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Philipps - Yoder, Anita Hooley. Circles of Sisterhood: A History of Mission, Service, and Fellowship in Mennonite Women’s Organizations.
Reviewed by Holly Scott