October 2022
Contents of Volume XCVI
October 2022 Number Four
In Memoriam: Calvin Wall (Waldo) Redekop (1925–2022)
Post-Münster Anabaptism in the Lower Rhine Area:
The Case of Theunis van Hastenrath (d. 1551)
Theo Brok
Reading, Interpreting, and Applying Christian Scripture in Amish Communities
Christopher G. Petrovich
Divided Loyalties: The Political Radicalization of Wymyśle Niemieckie
Mennonites in Interwar Poland (1918–39)
Wojciech Marchlewski and Colin P. Neufeldt
Research Note: Concerning the Origins of the First Anabaptist-Mennonite Churches
in Mexico City
Carlos Martínez–García
News and Announcements
Belousek, Darrin W. Snyder, and Margaret R. Pfeil, eds. Intercessory Prayer and the Communion of Saints: Mennonite and Catholic Perspectives.
Reviewed by Daniel P. Schrock
Brewer, Brian C., ed. T&T Clark Handbook of Anabaptism.
Reviewed by Susan C. Karant-Nunn
Davis, Todd. Winterkill: Poems. Native Species: Poems. Coffin Honey: Poems.
Reviewed by Jeff Gundy
Friesen, Layton Boyd. Secular Nonviolence and the Theo-Drama of Peace: Anabaptist Ethics and the Catholic Christology of Hans Urs von Balthasar.
Reviewed by Maxwell Kennel
Kennel, Maxwell. Postsecular History: Political Theology and the Politics of Time. Reviewed by Paul Doerksen
Ruth, John L. This Very Ground, This Crooked Affair: A Mennonite Homestead on Lenape Land. Reviewed by Joel Horst Nofziger
Author E-Mail Addresses
Contents of Volume XCVI – 2022