Getting To The Navajo Nation

We left Goshen on the morning of June 16 with a 15 passenger bus, a mini van and a car packed with 18 students, 5 members of the Yoder Lind family and as many backpacks, sleeping bags, and suitcases along with other sundry things like tents, books and food for the journey. A fourteen hour drive got us to Newton, Kansas where we camped out on the floor of Faith Mennonite Church. The next morning we visited the archives at Bethel College, the Kauffman Museum and ate lunch in downtown Newton at the Breadbasket. Then we drove to Colorado Springs where we spent the night at Beth-El Mennonite Church. The next morning we traveled to Mesa Verde National Park where we camped, hiked, and visited Puebloan ruins. On Sunday afternoon we ended our travels with a short 4 hour drive to Black Mountain Mennonite Church in the Navajo Nation. Black Mountain will be our home base for our time in Navajo. The next three posts give you a taste of these travels and our entrance into the Navajo community.