Hollis Sigler
Eric Yake Kenagy Visiting Artist: Hollis Sigler

The Eric Yake Kenagy Visiting Artist for the 1997-98 school year at Goshen College is painter-printmaker Hollis Sigler. An exhibit of her recent work will be in the GC Art Gallery February 22-April 1, 1998.
Hollis is an award winning Chicago artist known especially for her painting, printmaking and drawing. Recent work has also included elegant cut paper compositions and installations. Her early work is often associated with the Chicago Imagists and the “naive” approach. She has retained this rich, bright color and drawing style in works with themes directly relating to her reality of living with breast cancer. In 1994 she combined a series of illustrations with essays by other women living with breast cancer in a limited edition book (edited by Whitney Scott), Words Against the Shifting Seasons: Women Speak of Breast Cancer. To see more work, follow this link to Breast Cancer Answers Art Gallery.

Unfortunately, Hollis’ visit and workshop on campus had to be cancelled due to illness.
Chicago art critic, essayist and lecturer, James Yood will discuss Sigler’s work during a lecture titled “Hollis Sigler in Context” at 7 p.m. March 12 in Umble Center. A reception in the Art Gallery will follow at 8 p.m.
James Yood will meet earlier in the afternoon with art students at 3 p.m. in the Art Gallery.
At 10 a.m. Friday, March 13 a video interview of Hollis by Janet Kaplan will be shown in Umble Center.