Goshen College announces Spring 2006-07 Dean’s list
GOSHEN, Ind. — Goshen College recently recognized 239 students, for excellence in academics, on the 2006-07 spring semester Dean’s list.
The Dean’s list is published after the fall and spring semesters. Students who have earned a semester GPA of 3.75 or higher on at least 12 credit hours of course work for a letter grade and who have no grades of incomplete are named to the list.
The college initiated its Dean’s list during the first semester of the 1999-2000 school and it celebrates the achievement of students who have met high academic standards and can motivate students preparing for graduate studies, according to Anita Stalter, Goshen’s academic dean, vice president for academic affairs and professor of education.
Editors: For more information about this release, contact Goshen College News Bureau Director Jodi H. Beyeler at (574) 535-7572 or jodihb@goshen.edu.
Goshen College, established in 1894, is a residential Christian liberal arts college rooted in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition. The college’s Christ-centered core values – passionate learning, global citizenship, compassionate peacemaking and servant-leadership – prepare students as leaders for the church and world. Recognized for its unique Study-Service Term program, Goshen has earned citations of excellence in Barron’s Best Buys in Education, “Colleges of Distinction,” “Making a Difference College Guide” and U.S. News & World Report’s “America’s Best Colleges” edition, which named Goshen a “least debt college.” Visit www.goshen.edu.
Senior Jeffrey M. Bauman Nicole Olivia Cober Bauman Lucas G. Bishop Megan E. Blank Dagan Y. Bontrager Kristine A. Bowman Elizabeth Irene Buschert Sarah Lynn Buskirk Jessica Nicole David Hannah Mary Eash Amanda M. Entz Rebecca J. Fath Jocelyn Kathleen Fong Nathan C. Gautsche Brooks Fabian Gingerich David I. Glick Erin L. Gotwals Bradley David Graber Danielle N. Haney Fjaere Megan Harder Katherine Brunk Harnish Erica Lauren Hartman Joseph R. Hartman Kelsey Lynn Hartman Kirsten S. Hartwig Laura A. Herr Juanita Joy Hershberger Lisl Kristina Hershberger Jessica Niome Renee Hertsel Anita J. Hooley Nathan A. Horner Daenielle K. John Kelly Nicole Kane Stephanie Liane Kennell Luke Nicholas Kreider Sherilyn S. Lackey Aaron Reid Leichty Ashley Rene Luty Mary Jo Martin Anna Elizabeth Mast Laurel Denise Mast Hilary A. Mayhew Jonathan Alan Meyer Joel M. Miller Miriam Abdinur Mohamed Carolyn Whitney Morris Laura Kathryn Neufeld Erica L. Nofziger Miranda Jean Parrish Matthew Gotwals Rody Karla Marie Stauffer Kathryn R. Stutzman Claire E. Swora Sarah A. Thiessen Mariya K. Voytyuk Greta Elyse Weaver Brandon Joel Wengerd Hannah Jean Wigginton Anna N. Yoder Benjamin L. Yoder Benjamin Short Yoder Emily Rose Yoder Jenna C. Yoder Jonathan Blake Yoder Matthew Scott Yoder Suzana Evelyn Yoder |
Junior Isaac Andrew Beachy Janie Marie Beck Yovana Yoder Bontrager Jonathon Casselberry-Scott Krista Leigh Ehst Laurelyn Lacey Foderaro Rebecca K. Friesen Cacia Joy Frisbie Hannah Rose Gerig Matthew Y. Harms Justin Michael Hochstetler Drew E. Horst Benjamin Miller Jacobs Hannah Kauffman Jantzi Anthony Robert Janzen Shafkatul Islam Khan Peter Reuben Koontz Jesse Miles Landis-Eigsti Hope Elizabeth Mulde Langeland Laura Elizabeth Leischner Laura Michelle Lintz Michael D. Malott Jonathan Ryan Nafziger Andrea Jean Nielsen Benjamin Mark Noll Nathan Paul Ramer Janna Elizabeth Reiff Jose Luis Robledo Laura Elizabeth Roggie Lucille Christine Roth Mikki Genell Saltzman Jesse Alexander Shaver Kelly Yvonne Shenk Paul Bender Shetler Amy L. Showalter Timothy Conrad Showalter Katherine Marie Sowers Laura Janel Stoesz Ryan Todd Suderman Emily Rebecca Swora Eduardo A. Vargas Hillary Anne Watson Halyna Florence Williamson Brian U. Wyse Matthew Jon Yoder Mitchell Reid Yoder |
Sophomore Brittany Rose Albrecht Lydette Sue Assefa Elizabeth Faye Beachy Jacob Justin Brenneman Terra Lynn Bullis Katharine Elaine Derstine Emily Frances Dougherty Krystal Ilene Duensing Lauren Kate Eldredge Chet Everett Franklin Analisa Gerig-Sickles Jeremy Michael Good Alison Kate Gotwals Nathan Joel Grieser Abigail Aeschliman Groff Laura Elizabeth Harnish Christina Marie Histand Tessa Nadine Horst Abri Anne Houser Emily Kathleen Iehle Tyler Dale Keller Meaghan Tierney Ketcham Andrew Gunden Landis Joanna Laws Landis William Wesley Maier Benjamin Isaac Martin Michael L. Martin Ellen H. McCrae Lane K. Miller Anna Rachel Pasquarello Rebecca Jo Plaster Leah Rebecca Roth Kathryn Mary Schlabach Philip Benjamin Schmidt David Holsinger Shenk Isaac Thomas Richer Smith Annali Rempel Smucker Alissa Renee Stalter Joshua Mark Tyson Abby E. Wiles Gregory Jacob Yoder Rachel Suzanne Yoder |
First year Timothy R. Blaum Benjamin Ray Bouwman Nicholas Hans Bouwman Maria Christine Meyer Byler Alexander L. Caskey Jordan Ross Delp Laura E. Dick Kristen Noelle Fath Mary Beth Fowler Daniel Ian Foxvog Adrienne M. Gerig Patricia Marie Hershberger Vanessa Jill Hershberger Elena LaRae Histand David Bontrager Horst Kristina Arienne Johnson Joel B. King Hannah Danielle Miller Michelle J. Miller Rachel Anne Miller Renee Lynn Miller Elizabeth J. Nafziger Breanna J. Nickel Gina Marie Richard Anna Rachel Showalter Deborah Marie-Laure Smith Jessica Beth Steil Kyle Robert Stiffney Drew Philip Stoltzfus Emily Jean Taylor Luke Bontrager Woodworth James Zachary Wright John Max Wyse DAES |