Celebrate Christmas with Goshen College during the ninth annual Festival of Carols

Event: A Festival of Carols
Date and time: Dec. 7 and 8 at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 9 at 4 p.m.
Location: Goshen College Music Center’s Sauder Concert Hall
Cost: $15, reserved seating. Call the Goshen College Welcome Center at (574) 535-7566, email welcomecenter@goshen.edu, or visit www.goshen.edu/tickets. Patrons are strongly encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance; tickets presently available only for Friday and Sunday concerts.
Goshen College will present its ninth annual musical celebration of Christmas, “A Festival of Carols,” on Friday, Dec. 7 and Saturday, Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 9 at 4 p.m. This special celebration of the holiday season will feature five choirs and orchestra, along with audience participation on traditional carols, all in a concert hall festively decorated with garlands, lights and trees.
“A Festival of Carols” is patterned on a traditional English worship service, and features Christmas carols, spirituals, Scripture readings and works by David Willcocks, J.S. Bach, Benjamin Britten, Vaclav Nelhybel, Sergei Rachmaninoff and more. Performers include the Goshen College Chorale, Chamber Choir, Men’s Chorus, Women’s World Music Choir, the Goshen College Orchestra and the Shout For Joy Children’s Choir. The audience will also be invited to join the choirs to sing familiar carols during the performance.
Goshen College Choirs are directed by Dr. Debra D. Brubaker and Dr. Scott Hochstetler, and the Goshen College Symphony Orchestra is directed by Dr. Christopher Fashun. Shout for Joy Children’s Choir is directed by Sandy Hill. A flute trio that includes Goshen College and Community School of the Arts flute instructor Rebecca Hovan will perform pre-concert music in the Music Center lobby before each performance.
A limited number of reserved seating tickets are available for $15 by calling the Goshen College Welcome Center at (574) 535-7566, emailing welcomecenter@goshen.edu or visiting www.goshen.edu/tickets. Patrons are strongly encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance; tickets presently available only for Friday and Sunday concerts.