Goshen College takes top prize at MEDA Convention in student competition

At MEDA’s (Mennonite Economic Development Associates) annual Business as a Calling Convention in Niagara Falls in early November 2012, Goshen College business students won the Student Case Competition. The winning team at Goshen comprised of three senior business majors: Kristina Lopienski of Bartlett, Ill.; Clayton Miller of Goshen; and Hans Weaver of New Holland, Pa.
The competition is hosted by MEDA for university and college students, giving them practical experience on solving real business problems. Seven student teams were challenged to develop a business plan for Winterfeld Greenbau Construction Co. from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Each team had to give a presentation to the judging panel explaining their solution to at least one of challenges given, providing fresh insight to owner Will Winterfeld. After a busy afternoon of intense competition, Goshen College edged out Bluffton (Ohio) University for first place.
Winterfeld expressed such thanks to the students who took part in the competition, sharing that, “It was a great opportunity to hear new perspectives and innovative ideas on how to solve some of the challenges I’m facing. I encouraged the students to not only seek a vocation in their field of study but to also seek an avocation to use their passions to help build a more just world. All teams should be commended on their efforts and their professional presentations because it made it very difficult to select a winner.”
MEDA is an association of Christians, in business and the professions, committed to applying biblical teachings in the marketplace; MEDA members share their faith, abilities and resources to address human needs through economic development, believing that all people may experience Christ’s love and utilize their abilities to earn a livelihood, provide for families and enrich their communities.