Get a taste of Turkish culture and food during April 9 Afternoon Sabbatical luncheon

Afternoon Sabbatical: International meal and program featuring “A Portrait of Turkey,” by Merle and Mary Hochstedler
Date and time: Tuesday, April 9 at noon
Location: College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall
Cost: $20 before March 30, late fee of $5 per person; call (574) 535-7565 to register or stop by the Goshen College Welcome Center
Guests will get a portrait of Turkey’s culture and food during Goshen College’s Afternoon Sabbatical on Tuesday, April 9 at noon in the College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall. March 30 is the registration deadline.
Merle and Mary Hochstedler, both Goshen College graduates, will host “A Portrait of Turkey.” The Hochstedlers have lived in Turkey for most of three decades beginning in 1982, working with business and education along with serving the local church. The traditional Turkish meal will be followed by a lecture on the country’s history, culture and place in today’s global context. The sabbatical will also include a glimpse of the Goshen College Adult Travel tour that visited Turkey in 2010.
The meal and program costs $20 if register before March 30 and there is a $5 late fee per person. To register, call the Goshen College Welcome Center at (574) 535-7565 or stop by.
Future programs in the Afternoon Sabbatical series include:
Thursday, May 9: Spring Bus Trip to Indianapolis to visit the historical Schnull-Rauch home that is this year’s decorator show house and the Indiana State Museum. Cost is $65. Call 574-535-7565 or stop at the Welcome Center to register.
Afternoon Sabbatical programs are usually on the second Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. in Sauder Concert Hall or the College Church Fellowship Hall and are free and open to the public. For more information on the Afternoon Sabbatical series call the Goshen College Welcome Center at (574) 535-7566.