15 Goshen College students participate in summer Inquiry Programs
Fifteen Goshen College students are participating in the Camping, Ministry and Service Inquiry Programs during the summer. The Inquiry programs give GC students the opportunity to spend three months in a camp, congregation or service agency with the goal of exploring the intersection of faith and vocation, while also developing skills for leadership.
These goals are achieved through active participation, observation of others, intentional reflection and the tutelage of an on-site supervising mentor.
Camping Inquiry Program
Faith-based summer camps provide a breeding ground for spiritual growth and tranquility while experiencing God’s wonderful creation. This summer, seven Goshen College students are working to have these same experiences throughout the United States at various Christian camps.
Goshen College’s Camping Inquiry Program (CIP) gives students the opportunity to spend three months in service with nature. The overall goal with this program is to give a meaningful assignment of service and mentor outdoor ministry opportunities so students might look to get involved with it after graduation. The 2013 Goshen College CIP participants are:

Hannah Barg, a freshman environmental science major from Grayslake, Ill., is working at Covenant Point Camp in Michigan. Barg, daughter of Steve and Susan Barg, is a 2011 graduate of Warren Township High School.

Grace Boehm, a sophomore history major from Merriam, Kan., is working at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp in Colorado. Boehm, daughter of Bob and Helen Boehm, is a 2010 graduate of Shawnee Mission East High School.

Joanna Epp, a freshman environmental science major from Newton, Kan., is working at Twin Rocks Friends Camp in Oregon. Epp, daughter of Stan and Ester Epp, is a 2010 graduate of Newton High School.

Lucas Harnish, a sophomore physics and math double major from Bluffton, Ohio, is working at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp in Colorado. Harnish, son of Monica and Steve Harnish, is a 2011 graduate of Bluffton High School.

Anna Nafziger, a freshman elementary education major from Goshen, Ind., is working at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp in Colorado. Nafziger, daughter of Daniel and Evelyn Nafziger, is a 2011 graduate of Bethany Christian High School.

Halle Steingass, a sophomore music major from Pandora, Ohio, is working at Camp Friedenswald in Mich. Steingass, daughter of Amy Freeman and Bruce Steingass, is a 2011 graduate of Bluffton High School.

David Zehr, a sophomore molecular biology/biochemistry major from Elkhart, Ind., is working at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp in Colorado. Zehr, son of Terrence and Cheryl Zehr, is a 2012 graduate of Elkhart Central High School.
CIP is now in its 12th year as a combined effort between Goshen College, student’s home congregations and host camps. With help from endowments, CIP enables students to participate in a leadership internship and receive a scholarship of $1,500 to be applied to the next academic year as well as a stipend of $750-$1,000 throughout the summer. Student participants learn life experience as well as grow in their faith during this three-month program.
Ministry Inquiry Program
This summer, three Goshen College students are participating in the Ministry Inquiry Program (MIP) to gain a better understanding of the ins and outs of church ministry. The summer 2013 Goshen College MIP participants are:

Quinn Brenneke, a senior public relations major from Fort Wayne, Ind., is working at Oxford Circle Mennonite Church in Pennsylvania. Brenneke, son of Lisa Christen, is a 2010 graduate of Homestead High School.

Brianna Brubaker, a junior American Sign Language major from Akron, Pa., is working at College Mennonite Church in Goshen, Ind. Brubaker, daughter of Jan and Lynne Brubaker, is a 2010 graduate of Ephrata Senior High School.

Hillary Harder, a junior Spanish major from Wichita, Kan., is working at Iglesia Menonita Casa Betania in Kansas. Harder, daughter of Tom and Lois Harder, is a 2011 graduate from Lancaster Mennonite School.
At the end of the summer, each participant will receive a scholarship of up to $2,000 toward tuition costs for the next academic year, along with a $500 stipend from the host congregation.
MIP provides students with opportunities to work in many different areas of the church setting. Student participants can experience different activities and duties such as worship planning, worship leading, teaching in Bible school and Sunday school, leading music, pastoral visiting, community service and preaching.
Throughout the three-month program, students spend time in service with church-related functions. The Ministry Inquiry Program is in joint efforts with Mennonite Church USA and five other Mennonite colleges in the United States. This 24-year-old program gives students from Mennonite Colleges the opportunity to challenge themselves and their gifts for ministry by serving as pastoral interns.
Service Inquiry Program
Five Goshen College students are participating in the Goshen College Service Inquiry Program (SIP) this summer, where they will spend three months with a church-related service or mission agency.
The Service Inquiry Program is a joint effort of Mennonite Church USA and the five Mennonite colleges in the United States. The 25-year-old program enables students from Mennonite colleges to test their calling and gifts for ministry. The 2013 Goshen College SIP participants are:

Danae Miller, a junior Bible and religion major from Goshen, Ind. She is working with DOOR in Denver, Colo. Miller, daughter of Kent and Jill Miller, is a 2010 graduate of Bethany Christian High School.

Emily Grimes, a senior music major from Goshen, Ind. She is working with Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association in Philadelphia, Penn. Grimes, daughter of Daniel and Brenda Grimes, is a 2010 graduate of Bethany Christian High School.

Hannah Sauder, a sophomore art major from Lititz, Pa. She is working with DOOR in Chicago, Ill. Sauder, daughter of Galen Sauder, is a 2010 graduate of Lancaster Mennonite High School.

Benjamin Shelly, a junior history major from Goshen, Ind. He is working with the Mennonite Church USA Archives in Goshen, Ind. Shelly, son of Karl and Michelle Shelly, is a 2011 graduate of Goshen High School.

Elizabeth Wittrig, a junior Bible and religion major from Hopedale, Ill. She is working with Goshen Interfaith Hospitality Network in Goshen, Ind. Wittrig, daughter of Lori and Jay Wittrig, is a 2010 graduate from Olympia high School.
Participants in SIP are expected to learn from both their active service and from observing of others engaged in service. They are also expected to participate actively in the life of their service unit, including involvement with a local congregation.
The goal of SIP is to facilitate significant student engagement with service under sponsorship of a church agency through the guidance of an on-site mentor. In the program students experience direct and meaningful service to others, exposure to societal inadequacies and injustices, creative responses to perplexing human problems, encounters with people from other cultures, insight into service agency needs and requirements and form new relationships with representatives of a church agency.
– By Lexi Kantz