Learn survival skills: Merry Lea to offer wilderness first aid course

Course: Wilderness First Aid Course
Date and time: Thursday and Friday, Aug. 29 and 30, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location: Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center, Wolf Lake, Ind.
Cost: $175; includes instruction and lunch
Registration deadline: Aug. 26
Sponsors: Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center and SOLO School of Emergency Medicine
What do you do when a medical emergency happens in a remote location? Would you recognize the signs of hypothermia in your scouting troop? How would you handle a sprained ankle on a family backpacking trip?
Merry Lea will host its annual Wilderness First Aid Workshop on Thursday and Friday, August 29 and 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Instructor Jacob Guiser, from the SOLO School of Emergency Medicine and Rescue in Conway, N.H., will teach the 16-hour course. Participants will earn a two-year certification recognized by the American Camping Association, U.S. Coast Guard and various guide licensing boards.
The Wilderness First Aid curriculum covers patient assessment, rescue techniques, fractures/dislocations, splint improvisation, spinal cord injury, managing environmental emergencies, shock and preparedness. Hands-on practice with medical scenarios is an important part of the course.
A cost of $175 covers instruction and lunches. Lodging is also available Thursday night for $20. To learn more about SOLO courses, see http://www.soloschools.com. To register and get directions, email jenniferhs@goshen.edu or call 260-799-5869. Please register by Aug. 26.