Feed your mind during Goshen College’s Lunch and Learn series

This year, Goshen College’s Center for Business and Entrepreneurial Education will continue its seven-week “Lunch and Learn” series with topics ranging from making a toast to managing a city court. The series is geared toward administrative support staff looking to improve their work habits and work environment through lunchtime seminars taught by experienced community leaders.
Classes will be held each Tuesday from Sept. 17 to Oct. 29, from 12 to 1 p.m., with the lunch buffet beginning at 11:45 a.m. Classes will be held in the Goshen College Church-Chapel Fellowship Hall, located at 1700 South Main Street. The registration deadline is August 30, 2013.
The seven-week series includes:
Sept. 17, “Practicing Environmentally Friendly Habits,” led by Bill Hartsuff, program supervisor at the Elkhart County Health Department.
Do we understand the effects of our pharmaceutical and personal care products on our septic systems and water supply? Participants will learn more about this important topic. Hartsuff began working for the environmental division of the health department in 1990 as an Environmentalist-1.
Sept. 24, “Of Toastmasters and TED,” effective public speaking led by Jonathan Geiser, associate professor of business at Goshen College
In this session participants will explore the elements of effective public speaking. Sooner or later, nearly all of us–introverts and extroverts alike–are called upon to get up in front of a group and deliver a speech, present a proposal or give some other form of public talk. How can we prepare and deliver our speech or presentation in a way that will connect with and impact our audience?
Professor Geiser teaches in the areas of finance, strategic management, and entrepreneurship as well as a business course that includes public speaking. He is also the director of Goshen College’s Center for Business and Entrepreneurial Education (CBEE), developing and managing courses, workshops and seminars for the local business community.
Oct. 1, “Online, On Guard,” Internet safety led by Brad Blosser a database administration manager, certified information systems security professional and chair of the IT security team at IU Health Goshen
How do you know when you are at risk online? What should you do to protect yourself? Learn how to better protect your online activity and how to create and use stronger passwords. Learn about some of the methods “bad guys” use to access your computer and your information.

October 8, “Working in the Cloud,” led by Frank Caprino, a certified Microsoft Office master instructor
Connect to your files and business from multiple devices and access the applications and data that are crucial to your day-to-day operation. Working in the cloud can be a solution that is managed, offsite, protected, secure and accessible.
Caprino, who has taught Microsoft Office computer classes since 1994, will guide participants through the session. Caprino also teaches Microsoft Project, QuickBooks and Crystal Reports. In addition to providing training to companies in northern Indiana, Caprino is a database developer who provides Microsoft Access and SQL Server solutions to area businesses.
Oct.15, “Expanding Your Vision: Seeing New Things in New Ways,” led by Denise Goveia, who owns and operates an online sales business and is a trademark licensee wholesaler of pet products
Goveia will help participants examine skills and strategies for creative ideas and innovative solutions to existing challenges that they can apply to their personal and professional lives. Traditionally, business professionals have focused on the details and often work in isolation of corporate goals and strategies. Today we must not only understand the “big picture,” but also become part of it by helping organizations fulfill their mission and remain competitive.
Goveia also does computer and resume consulting and has over 35 years of business experience and skills from her employment in various private and public professional positions. As a 15-year member and current state officer of the International Association of Administrative Professionals®, she has notable experience presenting on business-related educational topics.
Oct. 22, “The View from Goshen City Court,” led by Gretchen Lund, Judge of Goshen City Court since 2008
The Goshen City Court handles criminal misdemeanors, city ordinance violations and traffic infractions that occur in the city of Goshen. There are approximately 3,600 cases filed in Goshen City Court. Come learn more from a “judge’s eye-view.”
Over the past five years, Judge Lund has revitalized the Goshen City Court by establishing a monthly traffic court, overseeing the implementation of a new computer system and increasing security measures. Lund has made it her priority to manage Goshen City Court matters efficiently and effectively. Along with serving the community as Goshen City Court Judge, Lund serves as an adjunct professor at Goshen College and Indiana University South Bend.
Oct. 29, “Chautauqua Wawasee,” led by Marlies Selent-West, program, event & marketing director with Chautauqua-Wawasee
Participants will experience an adventure for the mind in arts, education, religion and recreation. The Chautauqua phenomenon began in the 1870s in Chautauqua, N.Y., and holds an honored place in American history. Theodore Roosevelt called it “the most American thing in America.” Chautauqua is experiencing a renaissance, where people realize that lifelong learning is one of the keys to a happy, fulfilling life. Come discover the cultural experiences of Chautauqua in our area!
Selent-West was previously program manager at Oakwood, where she created and directed programs and special events in arts, education, religion and recreation.
– By Lexi Kantz