Karl Frey ’88 helps with global food security

Through his work for Save the Children, an international organization that provides aid and advocates for children’s rights, Karl Frey has the opportunity to help and learn from people from cultures around the world.
Frey specializes in food security during emergencies and has worked in such countries as Kenya and Yemen.
“When, during a major emergency, such as a drought, flood or conflict, families and children are forced to live in camps or move to other safe locations, our job is to make sure they have food to eat,” he said. “If families are displaced for longer periods of time, we help them find work or ways to begin rebuilding their lives.”
Frey joined Save the Children in 2010 after spending time working with various humanitarian aid organizations, including the Peace Corps, Oxfam Great Britain and Action Against Hunger.
“I link my work in humanitarian aid to a number of influences — an interest in other cultures, travel and time spent studying international development,” he said. “There was also a connection with the culture of service that was part of my Mennonite heritage and learning.”
– By Lauren Stoltzfus ’13