Goshen College ranked third among top 50 Christian colleges

Goshen College ranked third on a list of the best Christian colleges in the United States by Christian Universities Online, an independent online resource.
Christian Universities Online, which researches and rates Christian higher education in the United States, ranked Christian colleges based on the highest degree of personal attention (student-to-faculty ratio), selectivity (acceptance rate), financial assistance (percentage receiving financial aid), and student satisfaction (retention and graduation rates). These factors were all given equal weight.
“We’re honored to make this list,” said GC President Jim Brenneman. “As a Christ-centered college with deep peacemaking roots, this ranking demonstrates that Goshen College is an influential leader in liberal arts education, with an emphasis on international, intercultural, interdisciplinary and integrative teaching and learning.”
The website recognizes Goshen College’s commitment to peace and justice as one of its top qualities.
“Having faith and an open mind is the starting point to work towards a peaceful response to whatever challenges the world throws at them,” the website states.
According to Michael Templeton, lead editor for the ranking, while there is always going to be a level of subjectivity in putting together such rankings, reliance on the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) data makes it the most objective, and largest, ranking of Christian colleges and universities available. NCES provides information on admissions selectivity, generosity of financial aid, class size and overall student satisfaction,
“We are confident students and their families will find this ranking to be a useful starting point in their search for a high quality Christian education,” Templeton said.
The website also noted Goshen College’s Study-Service Term (SST), in which students serve and study in another country for three months.
“This program has students learning the host country’s language, history and culture while participating in service work in a very wide range of occupations,” the website reads. “This experience combined with the top tier academic program and exciting campus life make GC one of our top choices.”
This ranking comes on the heels of being named to the list of best value private colleges in the Midwest by Best Value Colleges last month.
View the 50 best Christian Colleges at www.christianuniversitiesonline.org/best-christian-colleges/