Goshen nursing program receives $20,000 in scholarships funds

GENEX Services, LLC, has awarded Goshen College $20,000 for scholarships in the nursing program.
GENEX, the leading provider of case management services to the workers’ compensation, disability and auto markets, awarded the scholarship money as part of its third annual Case Manager Scholarship Award Program, in which GENEX case managers may nominate their alma mater for scholarship awards.
Sharron Gaff, a case manager at GENEX and 1996 Goshen College graduate, nominated Goshen College for the award. Gaff is a graduate from the R.N. to B.S.N. program.
“Goshen College is wonderful, and provided such an amazing education,” she said. “It makes me really happy that I could do a small part to help other nursing students in this wonderful program.”
The first three recipients of the scholarship have already been named – Julianna Gonsalves, Fern Lehman and Vanessa Zimmerman, all sophomore nursing majors from Goshen.
“I am so grateful to Sharron Gaff and the leadership at GENEX for providing this scholarship,” said Brenda Srof, director of the undergraduate nursing program. “I applaud the company for honoring their employees in this way.”
In addition to Goshen College, four other schools received scholarship awards for 2014. They are: College of St. Scholastica (Duluth, Minn.); Covenant School of Nursing (Lubbock, Tex.); Indiana Vocational Tech (Ivy Tech) (Madison, Ind.); and Mount St. Mary’s College (Los Angeles, Calif.).
“As the industry leader that employs more than 1,500 case managers, we are proud to create the potential for new students to pursue their education in the field of nursing and raise awareness of the career path of case management,” said Peter Madeja, CEO of GENEX.