Five Goshen College students will present speeches during the 2014 C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest on Tuesday, Feb. 18. The annual event will take place at 7 p.m. in the Umble Center and is free and open to the public.
Five Core Media, a video production firm in Goshen, Ind., has produced an American Sign Language version of Who Are the Mennonites?, a DVD/video produced by a predecessor agency of MennoMedia and sent to Mennonite Church USA congregations in 2010.
In the past three years, Goshen College’s student-operated radio station, WGCS 91.1 The Globe, has won Best College Station in the Nation twice, been named Indiana’s Radio School of the Year twice, named best station in Indiana and has won dozens of other station and individual awards. Jason Samuel, WGCS general manager, will share humorous and informative stories about the station during the Afternoon Sabbatical on Feb. 11 at 1 p.m. in Goshen College Music Center’s Sauder Concert Hall.
Daniel Bayless, organist at the University of Notre Dame’s Basilica of the Sacred Heart, will present a concert on Goshen College’s Taylor & Boody pipe organ on Sunday, Feb. 9 at 4 p.m. The concert, part of the 2013-14 Rieth Chamber Series, will take place in the Music Center’s Rieth Recital Hall.
Science Olympiad teams from 13 area middle and high schools will gather on the Goshen College campus on Saturday, Feb. 8 to compete in nearly 40 events, including robotics, forensics and sounds of music, for the annual Science Olympiad Regional Tournament.
Seven student winners of the 2013-2014 Goshen College Concerto-Aria competition will perform arias and individual concerto movements with the Goshen College Symphony Orchestra, directed by Dr. Christopher Fashun, in the 54th annual Concerto-Aria concert on Saturday, Feb. 8. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Center’s Sauder Concert Hall.
February 2014 events include the 54th Annual Concerto-Aria Concert, the Winter One Acts and the C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest.
Spring collaborations between the Music Center and Fort Wayne Philharmonic include Fort Wayne’s FREIMANN musicians presenting chamber music this Sunday, Jan. 26, at 4 p.m. in the Music Center’s Rieth Recital Hall, and the Philharmonic’s Performing Arts Series concert in the Music Center’s Sauder Concert Hall on Friday, April 11.
The world-renowned British a cappella group, the King’s Singers, will return to Goshen College Music Center’s Sauder Concert Hall on Friday, Jan. 31 at 7:30 p.m. as part of the college’s Performing Arts Series.