President’s speech: “The Divine Poet: Servant Leadership Defined”
For now, as we begin this new year, let’s do our best to serve others above self in any and every way we can and so give witness to the GC core value servant leadership.
For now, as we begin this new year, let’s do our best to serve others above self in any and every way we can and so give witness to the GC core value servant leadership.
The GAP, a joint initiative of the Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism (ISGA-Goshen College) and Mennonite World Conference (MWC), is a two-year project profiling the demographics, beliefs and practices of 24 church conferences in MWC.
The hires include Lindsey Mason '09, development officer; Saralyn Murray '13, American Sign Language interpreter; and Kate Swartley '01, Spanish faculty.
When Janeth M. Vela and Alexa D. Valdez were seniors at Goshen High School, attending college seemed like a distant dream – though not from a lack of desire or talent.
Preliminary data for Goshen College’s 2015 incoming class shows an approximately 10 percent increase in enrollment over last year’s crop of new students, as well as significant growth in the number of Hispanic students enrolled.
It’s been a long and winding path that led Isaac Huerta from Mexico to Goshen, but a decision Huerta said he’s glad he made.
What does Garrison Keillor, host of the A Prairie Home Companion NPR radio show think about Goshen? He loves it.
We asked our alumni and current students about some of the "must do" activities to do in your first year at GC. Here are some answers.
LightBox, a new co-working studio overlooking Goshen’s bustling Main Street, is aptly named. Not just because the newly renovated historic space is painted brilliant white, or due to the sunlight cascading in from the lofty cathedral windows. More so, because the people who work there are all remarkably bright.
Merry Lea will host its annual Wilderness First Aid course on Thursday and Friday, August 27 and 28, 2015, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.