TODAY Show’s Al Roker Visits Goshen College

What: “Rokerthon 2″
When: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015
Where: Goshen College Adelphian Fountain, near College Ave. and Main St. (Map) (Location subject to change)
Public parking available at College Mennonite Church or the Music Center
Goshen is Al Roker’s only stop in Indiana as part of “Rokerthon 2,” in which the TODAY Show meteorologist will report the weather from all 50 states in one week in an attempt to set a new Guinness world record.
Roker and his crew will land at the Goshen Municipal Airport around 12:06 p.m. on Tuesday, and will be welcomed by community members and the Goshen High School drumline. After that, Roker plans to make his way to the Goshen College campus to report the weather.
“We are so excited that Al Roker, the Today Show and the Rokerthon are coming to this great community of Goshen, and we are happy to welcome him to our campus,” said Jodi H. Beyeler, director of communication at Goshen College. “Al could have chosen anywhere to stop, but his commitment to service and having a good time doing it fit so well with the Good of Goshen spirit he will find here. We hope the community will join us in giving the broader country a taste of this irresistible little spot in Indiana.”
“Rokerthon 2” will benefit Feeding America, an organization devoted to feeding those in need across the nation. Last year Roker set a Guinness World Record title by delivering the weather live for 34 hours straight, raising $70,000 for the USO.
Roker will be delivering forecasts throughout his travels on “Today,” local NBC affiliates, cable networks like CNBC, MSNBC, The Weather Channel and online.
“Rokerthon 2” was launched live in Hawaii Friday morning. His final stop will be at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City on Nov. 13.
In addition to Goshen, Indiana, Roker’s stops on Tuesday include Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Michigan and Ohio.