Retiring employees bid farewell after 173 years of service
Ten retiring employees are saying farewell to Goshen College this year as they begin the next chapters in their lives. Together, they have served an average of 17.3 years at Goshen College.
>> Enjoy reflections from some of the retirees about highlights of their time at GC.
Employees who retired or will retire during the 2015-16 school year include:

Jim Histand is retiring after serving 25 years at the college. Histand became vice president for finance in 1997 after seven years as an assistant and associate professor of accounting in the business department. Prior to coming to Goshen as a professor, Histand was a practicing Certified Public Accountant (CPA), first for a large regional accounting firm in Pennsylvania and later as owner of his own CPA practice. Histand also taught high school for three years and coached several high school sports. Histand is a 1978 Goshen College graduate.

Becky Horst is retiring after 24 years at the college. She has served as an assistant professor of English and communication, associate academic dean, grants director and coordinator, convocation coordinator and most recently as registrar. Horst is a 1975 Goshen College graduate.

Linda Kaminskis is retiring after 10 years as head athletic trainer. In 2011, she was inducted into the Indiana Athletic Trainers Association Hall of Fame. She has spent 34 years in the field of sports medicine and athletic training, and in 2005, she was selected as Indiana Athletic Trainer of the Year in the high school division.

Stan King retired following the 2015 tennis season after 16 years as men’s tennis coach. In his 17 seasons, King amassed 106 match wins, the most of any coach in program history. Nine of his players were named to all-Crossroads League teams, claiming such honors a total of 15 times. King is a 1961 Goshen College graduate.

Vicky Kirkton is retiring after 17 years in the Goshen College Nursing Department, most recently as an associate professor of nursing and director of the RN to BSN program at Glen Oaks Community College. She was the chair of the department of nursing from 1998 until 2011, providing leadership and direction for the faculty and students. Kirkton is a 1973 Goshen College graduate.

Lois Martin is retiring after 10 years in the Academic Resource and Writing Center, most recently as its director. In that role, she provided academic support for students, including helping students with their writing, sharing tips for time management and setting up tutoring. Martin is a 1969 Goshen College graduate.

Vickie Miller retired after 20 years in ITS and the human resources office, where she most recently served as assistant director. She spent 13 years in the information technology office before moving to human resources.

Betty Schrag retired this year after 16 years as executive assistant to the president. She served as administrative assistant for adult programs before becoming assistant to President Shirley H. Showalter from 2001-04, Interim President John D. Yordy from 2004-06, and current President James E. Brenneman from 2006-2015.

Shirley Shriner is retiring after 20 years as administrative assistant in the student life office. Throughout her years of service at the college, she has provided leadership and support to all parts of student life.

Jeanette Yoder is retiring after 15 years as administrative assistant in the financial aid office. An anchor in that office, Yoder was the first face that students and parents met when working with the financial aid office.