Everence awards scholarships to seven Goshen College students

Seven Goshen College students have received scholarships from Everence, the financial services organization of Mennonite Church USA. This year, Everence awarded a total of 42 scholarships to college students, ranging from $750 to $2,000.

Goshen College students who received Everence scholarships include:


Corrin Osborne, an incoming student from North Manchester, Indiana, received $2,000, the largest national scholarship from Everence this year. Corrin is the child of Maria and Jeffrey Osborne and plans to major in molecular biology and biochemistry.


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Mark Kreider, a junior environmental science major from North Newton, Kansas, received a $1,000 national scholarship. Mark is the child of Heidi and David Kreider and attends Bethel College Mennonite Church.



Megan Graber, an incoming student from Stryker, Ohio, received a $750 regional scholarship. Megan is the child of Karen and Joseph Graber, attends Lockport Mennonite Church and plans to major in nursing.


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Laura Hochstetler, a junior interdisciplinary major from Wellman, Iowa, received a $750 regional scholarship. Laura is the child of Edie and Bruce Hochstetler and attends West Union Mennonite Church.



Jenae Longenecker, a junior history and peace, justice and conflict studies major from South Bend, Indiana, received a $750 regional scholarship. Jenae is the child of Fred and Jewel Gingerich Longenecker, and attends Kern Road Mennonite Church.


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Luke Rush, an incoming student from Goshen, Indiana, received a $750 regional scholarship. Luke is the child of Phil and Karen Rush and attends Eighth Street Mennonite Church.


Matthew Smucker

Matthew Smucker, an incoming student from Goshen, Indiana, received a $750 regional scholarship. Matthew is the child of Beth and JD Smucker, attends Waterford Mennonite Church and plans to major in Spanish.