Auditions for Community School of the Arts youth choirs to be held Aug. 14, 21

Auditions: Community School of the Arts choirs
Ages: Grades 3-12
Date and time: Aug. 14 and 21, 2-3:30 p.m.
Location: Goshen College Music Center
Three Community School of the Arts (CSA) youth choirs will hold open auditions for new members on two Sundays in August in the Goshen College Music Center. Choral ensembles are open by audition for students in grades 3-12.
CSA choir auditions will be held at the Goshen College Music Center on Sunday, Aug. 14 and Sunday, August 21 from 2 – 3:30 p.m. for the Rejoice choir (gr. 3-5), directed by Kristin Kauffman; Shout for Joy (gr. 6-8), directed by Sandy Hill; and Sommo Voci (grades 9-12), directed by Marcia Yost.
Auditions for the CSA Choirs are open, with no appointments needed. Rejoice and Shout for Joy choirs rehearse weekly Thursdays 7-8:15 p.m. beginning August 25; Sommo Voci rehearses Sundays 3-4:30 p.m. beginning August 28. Sommo Voci students may also arrange individual auditions through director Marcia Yost by calling (574) 596-7485 or e-mailing
Tuition for all CSA ensembles is $200, payable in semester installments of $100 each, plus registration fee. Financial aid is available. For more information, call the Music Center Main Office at (574) 535-7361 or visit